Turtles, Turtles, Turtles!

You know how things seems to come in waves? Like, the other day I saw three turtles in one day. We live in the woods, but even though the shelled reptiles are doing fine around here it’s rare to see more than one or two a year. They just aren’t very sociable.  Like me. Tuesday […]

Your Subconscious: Friend or Foe?

  There’s a lot of talk nowadays about “manifesting”. In a nutshell, we’re told that if we think positive thoughts, we’ll get what we want. Of course there are some “abundance teachers” who are somewhat realistic about this concept, and suggest that action is required. But the emphasis is always on “being” who you want […]

Soul Connections

It was 1990 or thereabouts, and I had just been hired by a new (to me) civil engineering  firm to join their construction inspection and project management team.  It was a pretty good gig for me at the time; half outdoors, half office work, and I pretty much could set my own schedule.   It was a mid-sized firm.  Out […]

“I Think I Already Knew That”

As you can imagine, people consult with intuitives, psychics and energy workers for a wide variety of reasons.  Obviously, the common thread is that they want help with things that they haven’t been able to do anything about through other means.  Intuitive work is the red-headed stepchild of the healing arts world; after psychotherapy and medicine don’t produce the results they […]

Who’s Right? Does it Really Matter?

The other day I read yet another blog post by someone who works in the intuitive/spiritual field calling “bullshit” on some details of spiritual knowledge or another.  I don’t really remember exactly what it was…  I think it was about “soul groups” and negative souls…stuff like that. I must admit that in the past I’ve been guilty […]

Take the Long View to get the Big Picture

As many of you know, when I first began offering my services I identified myself as  a Soul Realignment practitioner…and that was that.  And that trademarked modality served me well for quite a while.  It gave me a framework upon which to hang my natural intuitive talents.  That work depends upon using a specific method […]

Have You Decided To Be Alone?

In everyone’s life, there comes a time when we realize that no one is coming to save us. Throughout childhood, we necessarily depend on others for nearly everything; our physical needs, comfort, even perhaps our sense of self, and self-esteem. But eventually as we mature and become more aware of how the world works, we […]

The Pace Quickens – Instant Manifestation

As the vibration and spiritual evolution of this planet and its inhabitants rise (as evidenced in so many ways), many aspects of our collective and individual lives reflect that change. This means higher highs and lower lows; and even as the amplitude (degree of change) of events gets more broad, so does the rate of […]

A Tap on the Shoulder

Share on Facebook Lately I’ve been thinking about the Law of Attraction in connection with building my practice; i.e., attracting clients.  I decided to look into marketing, advertising, and the like, thinking that if I really wanted to be successful I would need to learn those kinds of skills. Of course, in my research I […]

Exercise Your Will

Share on Facebook When we are first introduced to the idea that we are truly the Divine Creators of our own experiences via the Law of Attraction, we soon learn that our thoughts and emotions are the engines by which we direct the circumstances of our physical lives.  We set an intention around what we […]

© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.