Take the Long View to get the Big Picture

As many of you know, when I first began offering my services I identified myself as  a Soul Realignment practitioner…and that was that.  And that trademarked modality served me well for quite a while.  It gave me a framework upon which to hang my natural intuitive talents.  That work depends upon using a specific method to access the “Akashic Record”, and involves a pretty much cast-in-stone procedure for asking questions and narrowing down the information we need to help clear energetic blocks in the client.  I became very good at that method, if I do say so myself.  It suited me well…because if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s following directions.  I’m very  mentally-based; you give me a decent blueprint, and I can build anything.

And so, using that rigid framework gave me confidence in my skills.  Like clockwork, when I described what I’d found by posing specific questions in a client’s “record”, almost without fail they provided validation.  I don’t care what anyone says; for any intuitive, this validation is pretty much the only way we have to double-check our accuracy.  There’s a fine line between egoic imagination and intuitive channeling, especially in the beginning of one’s career as a “psychic”.

Eventually, I began to develop a good feel for how the information was coming to me.  My dependence on the pendulum gradually decreased (although I still use it occasionally) because I found it unnecessary.  As well, I went on to  consult other very experienced and reputable mentors (amongst them at least one whose work was one of the bases for the SR work).  Without exception, they all advised me early on that I didn’t need the rigid framework – that my natural gifts were already developed well enough to begin working in a more freewheeling way.  In fact, the most reputable and knowledgeable one of these mentors advised me to abandon the entire concept of an “Akashic Record”, and even to stop using the pendulum altogether.  His position was that those concepts were putting limitations on my ability to tune my receiver in to all of the information available to me.  I was fascinated to see that all of the people I was consulting had somewhat different methods and viewpoints – but each was well-respected in the field and had numerous testimonials from clients attesting to their helpfulness and “accuracy”.

Moving forward, I also looked into other modalities; crystal healing, reiki, DNA restructuring, Diamond Alignment…the list is endless.  Again, all of these things had their enthusiastic followers and each had provided healing to a number of people.  At first I resisted acknowledging this; I knew that the method I had learned was “correct”…so how could these others be much good?  Most of them were very different from the method I was using (and usually in some very significant ways).  But eventually I came to the conclusion that, no matter what the basic concepts were behind these frameworks, none of the trappings mattered.  What mattered boiled down to a single question: did they provide relief, or not?  Intellectually, I’d always held that Truth is different for each individual.  But knowing is not the same as Knowing.  I finally was able to truly realize and internalize the fact that results are results.  This was a great relief to me, because I was then able to let go of the stress and strain of constantly being right.  Live and let live.  I didn’t need to correct or resent anything because it was none of my business what worked for other people.

Thus freed from the self-imposed responsibility of making sure that no one else was making a fool of themselves 🙂 , I was able to turn my attention to my own work.

Another thing that had bothered me about all the various belief systems was the difference in the terms and concepts used in each.  Sure, within each framework, whatever they wanted to call a thing was fine.  But being so mentally-based, I naturally looked askance at some of the inconsistencies between the systems.  Like, each method had terms like “demon” and “earthbound spirit”, “attached entity”…even the concept of the “soul” differed between them.  Some said that “group souls” were common…others that this was an impossibility.  Some embraced the idea of “twin flames” and “soul mates”, while others said that such contracts were actually destructive.  WTF.

Since I had decided that in most cases all of these systems were being used and promulgated by sincere people, I couldn’t dismiss the whole subject as being a simple matter of some of them being totally full of shit and some of them knowing what they were talking about.  Like I said, what works is what works.

But by nature, I have always had the imperative (and the innate ability) to reduce a problem or concept down to its simplest terms.  Instead of telling you that √(a+b/c) = d, I’d much rather tell you “d”.  Why confuse the matter with all of that other junk?

So, what I’ve settled on (for the time being) is that what you name a thing matters not at all.  Like the difference between healing and not healing, what matters is not so much the why of a thing, but the basic energy being produced by a thing.   Does it really matter whether there’s a “thought form” in your aura that’s producing an energy of depression….or an “attached entity”?  I say no…because you could go to ten different intuitives or healers and get ten different answers.  And, they might all be right!  But how confusing is that?  It’s no wonder that people keep going from one psychic to the next (aside from trying to get the answer they want instead of the one that’s true).

That said, I do still use some of those concepts in my work.  But I always emphasize to my clients that the exact terminology doesn’t matter – it’s the effect it’s having on them that’s important to know.  Once you know for sure that there’s something influencing you in a particular way and that it’s not a natural part of your Divine Self, that’s all you need to know to cast it off and make the change that you want.

So…I recommend that we all stop looking at the details and assigning such a huge significance to what we call them,  and step back to see the big picture.  I hate to burst anyone’s bubble of woo-woo, but using your magnifying glass in an attempt to discern the minutiae of a situation will only give you just that.  It’s like missing the forest for the trees, or looking at newsprint close up – you might get to see all the little dots, but it’s not until you take a step back and sweep your vision over the big picture that you you’ll be able to comprehend what’s really going on.




  1. Well of course that’s why I have loved all of the work I have done with you – you drill down to the root of it all and have the tools to do so 🙂

    There is a huge difference in the work you do and what I do and I don’t purport to do healing work. Mine is more geared to helping people learn to follow their own signs and intuition and getting some next steps and options. I guess it’s like having a big toolbox at our disposal and taking the pendulum out for one purpose and Tarot for another or simply focusing in on the mind’s eye for a third. In addition to Purpose it probably depends upon the practitioner and in some cases, even the client. I like the idea of being open to methodology as well as how information comes in – like taking the big picture in first, and opening up the tool box as needed.

    Maybe that’s why clients are drawn to different practitioners in the first place – guided even to the one who will bring them what they need right now. That’s also why I do referrals if a person presents wanting SR work done.

  2. There’s a definite benefit to getting the details, no matter the lens through which they’re viewed; that is when not only information, but also clearing is involved. It’s the difference between telling someone they’re depressed, and telling them what they did to bring that energy onto themselves.

    There are some of those things that are very useful to know…the difference between an attachment and a cord, a thought form and a soul shifter. What you call them isn’t important, but the differences in how they affect you and what brought them in the first place is. To clarify, I might tell you that there’s a sentient attachment purposely causing an energy of depression in you. Or, I could tell you that you have willfully (or accidentally) created a thought form that’s doing the same thing. Whole ‘nother ball game. That awareness in you is what allows us to clear the negativity. And frankly, how I explain it from one client to another might be very different.

    Of course, it also helps to have a formal method to then do the clearing. That’s the advantage the training gives me: I’m not only giving people the “what’s what”, I’m also giving them the exact way to get rid of it – for good. There is plenty to be said for ritual and formal prayer, even if you think it’s “only” affecting the subconscious. Intuitive counseling alone is healing only to the extent that the person can consciously use the information.

    As for the pendulum…calling it a “crutch” is a bit strong. It’s a very useful tool, even if I myself have moved to a point where I don’t need it as much. I did say that I still use it occasionally, and I suspect that I always will because it bypasses the conscious mind, leaving no doubt (when the one using it knows what they’re doing). I have to chuckle when I see people dismiss it, but then go ahead and use Tarot cards, etc. Hello? 🙂 Anyone who wants to take the time to properly learn it, can use it very effectively…but if one’s mind is made up before even making a serious attempt, then of course it’s a moot point.

  3. I’ve always found it fascinating how each intuitive I’ve come across has his or her own unique methods and approach, yet generally gets to the same place. The details of a reading someone else does ( for example, the origin of an issue) can be fascinating but for some reason I just know how the end result of it comes to me and that’s sufficient, even if I didn’t get a thing about the nitty gritty details. Some say they use their intuition but give no truck to angels and spirit guides and such, whereas I would say that’s where it all comes from. The methodology matters little, it is the results and help that come from it that count.

    I can imagine the originator of the suggestion that you open all of the channels. That is exactly what I did and I get all kinds of information from many different avenues. Give me a pendulum and I would never get through the program. Crutches aren’t needed except to give us initial confidence, possibly.

  4. Thanks Lisa.

    Yeah, that’s why we have supermarkets.

    It’s the antithesis of religion – they get bent out of shape when people wander off the chart because the power to influence is lost.

  5. Hi Michael,

    I found myself agreeing with you on a good bit of this. Each practitioner brings their energy, their consciousness, their gifts to the work they do and while we all have to learn things somewhere, we eventually grow into a fit that is just ‘ours’ – seems like you’ve found yours!

    I’m not good in a box either and tend to do things my own way and my clients are those for whom that resonates, as are yours for your work. That’s the beauty of it all – we go where we are called, take the lesson (or not!) and keep moving.

    Interesting post. Thanks for sharing it!

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.