The Pace Quickens – Instant Manifestation

As the vibration and spiritual evolution of this planet and its inhabitants rise (as evidenced in so many ways), many aspects of our collective and individual lives reflect that change. This means higher highs and lower lows; and even as the amplitude (degree of change) of events gets more broad, so does the rate of change. In other words, things happen faster.

It’s no accident that nowadays we have “instant” communication, “fast” food, and “speed” dating. This can be (and generally is) seen superficially as an indicator of the fast pace of modern life. Indeed. But what is behind the onset of that increase in speed? I contend that it is all a reflection of the raising of the frequencies that we are experiencing in every dimension.  There are spiritual teachers who have been taking the field seriously for only a few years who are on a par with (and in many cases have exceeded in understanding) those who have been working as teachers for 20 or thirty years.

Since each of our individual realities (and on an even more complicated level, our shared reality) are the manifestation of our thoughts, emotions and spiritual vibrational position, these are then the basis for this phenomenon of the speeding up of our reality.  This means that our rate of “manifestation” is speeding up.  We no longer necessarily need to wait for months or years in order to observe the products of our intentions.  Naturally, there is still the element of time involved; and the larger the change intended, the more things need to be lined up properly in order for the manifestation to make its way down from the instantaneous thought to the molasses-like density of physical reality.

But as a mirror for the constant course corrections necessary in our daily inner lives, there is much less lag than ever before.  This can be somewhat disconcerting, but is obviously a wonderful tool for manging our reality by quickly changing our thoughts and emotions in order to manifest what we want to occur in 3-D life.  You do A, and B happens right away…so if you really wanted C to show up, you can adjust your intentions accordingly.

Several examples may prove to be instructive.

Recently, it occurred to me that my intuitive services actually have value.  I know that sounds funny, but for a few years I have been, to a degree, influenced by that peculiar illusion of mass consciousness that says that healing work should not be profited from.  However, I have been growing increasingly aware that many notable “psychics” are very well compensated for their work – and people are glad to pay for it.  I came to realize that such intuitive work, although in many cases very accurate – and helpful to a degree – was in no way comparable to the clearing I offer in my own work.  Offering “advice” is one thing; providing a means to actually clear negativity is quite another.

Therefore, I decided to raise my fee for the basic Soul Realignment to be more in line with those others doing similar work.  This was in spite of the fact that “business” has been rather slow – perhaps as a result of the “bad” economy, but more likely due to my own underestimation of my work’s value.  I paid no mind to the small, familiar voice that told that me this was a mistake, and that people would be even less likely to engage my services worth a higher fee.

I was, of course, delighted when I received a booking no more than 8 hours after raising my fee – and this was after a moderate drought in bookings for me.  I needed no more proof that my intuition had been correct, and that my fee and my own valuation of my work’s worth were now in much better alignment.

Another example, on a more personal scale but no less significant, happened just yesterday.

My normal morning schedule includes making up a thermos of coffee to take out to my office, which is located in a separate building from the house.  Some days I’ll also take breakfast with me and have it while check email.

So yesterday, I headed out to my lair with my thermos and cup, my bowl of Wheat Chex, and a cup of milk for the cereal.  When I set my goodies down on the desk, I noticed a fly on the windowsill.  This little guy had been very persistent in bugging me for a few days as I tried to work, and my efforts in getting him out of there had been so far unsuccessful.  But now…now he was in a vulnerable spot and at my mercy.  So I picked up a nearby magazine and committed…ummm…insecticide.

As soon as the deed was done, I felt that primal satisfaction known for millennia to the hunting class…victory.  Take that, you little bastard.

But as soon as that sentiment had fled, it was replaced by some regret.  Not really over killing a fly; flies obviously are animated by the same Spirit and consciousness that we are, but they are not sentient beings in the same way that we are.  We do have dominion.  No, this was more a melancholy feeling of regret that I had felt such satisfaction at having ended a life, no matter how tiny.  The killing was, to a degree, necessary.  But being a supposedly evolved being, it wasn’t appropriate for me at this point to take such satisfaction.

Anyway…as I was turning away from the windowsill and pondering my regret, I picked up my little cup of milk and prepared to pour it onto my cereal.  But I was stopped in my figurative  tracks when I saw, floating in the cup…a dead fly.

I have no idea when, where or how this creature (which was not the same one that I had just dispatched) got into my cup.  But to me the message was clear: my regret over what I’d just done had manifested instantly.  The very sustenance of which I was about to partake had become a direct reflection of my thoughts and emotions at that instant.  Had I not felt the regret, the second fly probably would not have shown up…these lessons (for me personally) don”t manifest as “punishments” per se – they simply reflect my vibrations.  In this case however, my regret had set up a frequency of guilt; and because of whatever remains of my Catholic schoolboy days…years of having been taught that wrongdoing deserves punishment…I had manifested the most appropriate punishment that the Universe, prompted by my intentions, could devise.

So…it pays us to be constantly mindful these days of the mirror of reality around us as it happens. Time will always be a part of the manifestation of intent in this Earthly plane.  But also be mindful that as time and the magnitude of your almost limitless power of Divine  creation speeds up, you are often receiving almost instant feedback.  Recognize that for the gift it is in navigating your reality.


  1. Quite interesting. One important thing is to trust completely and don’t fear what comes next. Trust that you’re manifesting that which will bring you to what you need most.

    Also, be as conscious as possible about what you really want, because your subconscious intentions will have an equal effect.

    Good “luck”! 🙂

  2. Michael, I’ve had some experiences lately too that show me things are manifesting almost immediately for me!! I have read much over the last few months on time speeding up (conciousness speeding up) from many of the great people out there that have been telling us for years. Just in the last month I have been feeling much anxiety and nervousness that tells me something is going to happen. The last time this happened to me I had felt a week of anxiety, trouble sleeping, etc. Finally, on a Wednesday, I felt calm, centered, good and went to work. When I came home, I found out that my home had been broken into and burglerized!! Then, I knew that something was telling me that something was going to happen!!
    Again in the last 3 weeks or so..I felt the same thing, always wondering every day what was going to come up. I felt that the people I worked with were giving off an uneasy energy, being sensitive to people, I can always tell right off by the negative energy they give off..something was going on at work. I had a feeling what it was..I might lose my job. Just last week, I felt down, extremly worn out, tired and came down with a wicked cold. I was wishing that I not be working at that place anymore, too much negative energy, I hated my job, and felt sick just going there along with the anxiety.
    Well, yesterday, they called me into their office and I knew, just by the tone of the voice of the person that paged me what was going to easy to read people lately. Well, it was a restructuration and my job was abolished, went home yesterday and that was that. Boy, talk about wishing for something and bang it happens a week later. Even more amazing, this Tuesday I had the great idea of looking around for boarding a horse since my daughter has been taking riding lessons for a while and financially I was finally able to afford her a horse and wanted to surprise here being a single mom, things are quite tight and I cant always afford things for a 13 year old girl. So, I looked up the internet and immediately found free room and board until November if I bought this trained Arab horse, 20 years old and for $800! I said to myself, WOW, this was quick!! We went to see the horse my daughter and I, she rode it and loved the animal. I told the owner we would call her the next day to give a decision. Well, the next day I lost my forget the horse. I asked the universe to find me a better job, with less hours and better pay than I was getting. I hope this time it will manifest very quickly, keeping my fingers crossed!!

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.