A Tap on the Shoulder

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Lately I’ve been thinking about the Law of Attraction in connection with building my practice; i.e., attracting clients.  I decided to look into marketing, advertising, and the like, thinking that if I really wanted to be successful I would need to learn those kinds of skills.

Of course, in my research I found a LOT of people promising to tell me the “Big Secrets” behind marketing my services.  Each one has the answer, but they all sound just about the same to me.  And none of their ideas sounded like anything I would want to do.  It’s very possible that those kinds of things work for many people…but judging by the paucity of actual  testimonials, I decided to pass.  And to tell you the truth, if they couldn’t sell their methods to me…well, you get the picture.

Now, my own spiritual journey really kicked in a few years ago.  It involved quite a few physical synchronicities; being a Michaelite and having an extreme interest in Truth (and an accompanying aversion to Bullshit), actual signs and occurrences that I could see, feel and touch were necessary for me to make progress.  I get to decide what I believe, and I get to decide what is the basis for my beliefs. (And as an aside, that free report over there on the right provides some details of how this process worked for me.  There’s my entire marketing strategy, right there.  🙂 )

Anywho…all of this reading about “claiming my power” and “stepping out”, the necessity of public speaking and appearing to be uber-confident (yuck!) was quite confusing.  It just wasn’t me.   And, since I do believe that we create everything around us and that like attracts like, I was presented with a paradox.  If attracting what we want required all these big actions, what if these big actions simply were not authentic to us?  What if all this trying and striving and learning new skills would be for nothing because we couldn’t get our whole being behind it?  Where does that leave the idea of manifesting success?

Finally yesterday my guides and Higher Self apparently decided that it was time for a lttle reminder.

I was doing some gardening, and noticed that I’m down to a single blueberry bush.  I started out a number of years ago with three, but one had promptly died.  The remaining two have served well for years, producing enough for a few pies a year.  The thing about blueberry bushes is that (much like people), there need to be at least two of them in order for them to cross-pollinate and produce fruit.  I felt badly and made a mental note to plant at least another one…full well knowing that I’d probably forget until it was too late in the season for this year.

Last evening I emailed my mother and told her I’d be down to her place this morning to finish the small retaining wall I’ve been building for her.  I’d given her the assignment of picking up some huge nails I needed because she had been planning a trip to the building supply store anyhow.

When she replied, she told me that she’d gotten the spikes; and oh, by the way…she’d picked up a small blueberry bush for me.  I was dumbfounded.  She’d had no idea that I needed one.  I’m not even sure she’d remembered that I had any blueberry bushes to begin with.  But the point is that the thought of my desire for a blueberry bush had passed through my mind, I let it go at that, and within a few hours I learned that I was unexpectedly, inexplicably receiving a blueberry bush.  Not only that, but I do believe she’d actually bought it before I even knew I wanted it.  Wow.

What this was, was a reminder to me of how manifestation works…for me.  Trust and surrender.  What I truly want and  need will be provided in due course.  Not only that, but the further lesson of the blueberry bush for me is what I mentioned above: that at least two are required for productivity.  I’ve been working in isolation for a long time, but lately the opportunity for a partnership with another Soul Realignment practitioner has presented itself, and we’re moving forward with it.

And the real root lesson here for me is that I’m going to go back to paying less attention to business gurus, and more to my inner knowing.  All of those marketing newsletters are going into the trash from now on.  If that kind of thing appeals to your authenticity, go for it – the personal development industry might just be the ticket for you.  But it’s all just a little too noisy for me.

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  1. Thanks, Rob. I’ve made an offer several times on Twitter to split my profits 50/50 with anyone who can take over the business end and get me $100,000 in one calendar year. My twitfeed is filled with business manifesting experts, but not a single taker! Hmmm…

    Let me know how the notifier works. Thanks,

  2. Rob Record says

    So cool.. I have been noticing various things like that happen since I started paying attention to my mindset. Gives me a buzz each time 🙂

    I too felt turned off by all the LOA marketing uber-hype. Best source of info for me so far has been Abraham-Hicks, and my own experience.

  3. Excellent comment, Kevin.

    My first thought is that in the broad view, both of your perspectives are true. We live in a realm of infinite possibility…therefore, all things are true at the same time.

    “A” and “B” are the same thing! And If you think about it, does it matter at all? 🙂 Because of this, I would say that my answer to your question would have to be: yes. And that’s coming from a man who abhors vagueness and spiritual double-talk. But it’s the best I can do. 🙂

    We go through a necessary phase where “understanding” is very important – and it’s important also to pass through that phase because skipping it will leave you with a weak belief system (see a few of my posts on the topic). Eventually we come out of that and enter a place where “understanding” is less important and “knowing” is taken for granted.

    If you’re seeing more of what you want, you’re doing the right things. Congratulations, and thanks for writing.

  4. Kevin DeSilva says

    Greetings from New Brunswick, Canada,

    After reading your posting, I had a thought and figured I would share it with you with the intent of hearing your input.

    Most mornings, when I wake up, I thank The Creator (by many Names) for again giving me the opportunity to be of service.

    It is my belief that, in this way, I have placed myself in the eternal flow of “Here and Now” and not in the dreaming of tomorrow or yesterday.

    I understand that “time” is a concept existing only in the minds of mankind to explain sequence of events. Also, that our “yesterdays” are recorded (and viewable) within an Akashic medium and our “tomorrows” are preview-able as potentialities … but humour me for a minute until we get to the end of this thought.

    What I have observed is an ever increasing occurrence of opportunities, or “coincidences”, presenting themselves at my feet.

    My thoughts are two directional and are as follows:

    A: The opportunities were there all the time and I just could not “see” them … much like a person being led through Aladdin’s Cave while hoodwinked – unseen treasures in never-ending abundance all around and at all times.

    Now that I am consciously seeking these opportunities, the illusory veil of separation (the Hoodwink) is slowly being lifted allowing me to perceive yet another aspect of the ever-flowing cornucopia which is The Universe (Aladdin’s Cave).

    (The opportunities were there all the time and I could not see them)

    B: Having a fairly good understanding of Erwin Schrödinger’s theory in Quantum Physics which, in essence, explains to us that the act of observation of an experiment changes the outcome of that experiment and why this phenomenon occurs.

    Keeping this known phenomenon in mind and using it as a basis for a theory or thought; could it also be possible that by directing my consciousness in this way … The Universe is responding by supplying what is “required”?

    AND, that the more I do this, the greater the vortex that is being created … thus, the greater the “volume” The Universe is able to throw in front of me … That is to say; the more the opportunities materialize in greater and greater numbers.

    (The more I “look” for these opportunities to be of service – the more that are being created in response to my Heart’s desire).

    So! – What are your thoughts?

    Peace, Love, Light and many Blessings


  5. Thank you Joseph.

  6. Well put. This might be a contradictory quote to the tone of dropping marketting stuff as it comes from Bob Proctor however I think it applies really well.

    -Truth has no path.

    It’s a wonderful story and I can really feel with it.


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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.