Are You P*ssed Off? Great!

  When we think of negative “energy” within ourselves, what comes to mind? Depression, anxiety, fear? Those are all indeed dream-killers. Learning to control those emotions (and the thoughts that they provoke) is probably the most basic step as we begin to truly take control of our own lives. You simply cannot focus on solutions […]

The Black Spot

    When I was a boy I was an avid reader. I consumed (and was consumed by) any kind of adventure story – Last of the Mohicans, the Zane Gray books, Call of the Wild, and The Light in the Forest (which was based on real events in the very place where I lived) […]

Who Do You Trust?

  That was the name of an American quiz game show of the late 50’s. Three married couples competed, and it mostly consisted of the husband choosing whether to answer a question himself, or to “trust” his wife to answer it. I know, I know… ladies please don’t kill the messenger! I was only ten […]

Are You Too Special to Succeed?

  One of the most prevalent and destructive subconscious beliefs that I see in many people (including myself at one time) is that they are different… special… the rules don’t apply to them.   Now, this is a delicate and subtle area because we each are definitely unique and special, have widely divergent skills and […]

Are You Wasting Your Time?

    One of my favorite concepts is that nothing is ever wasted. Usually I’m referring to life experiences. It all adds up to something, always. What’s here now would be impossible without what came before. That’s just the way it works in our particular system. But yeah, things sure can look wasted. And sometimes […]

Are You a Proud Sufferer?

  Sometimes we cling to the strangest things… including some weird and destructive ideas about ourselves that can be self-fulfilling. The most common of these is the pride that many of us take in our past suffering.  I’ve done it myself many times, and so have you.  There’s probably only a 50/50 chance that you’re […]

Who Are You, Really?

As we go through life handing the bumps and bruises that we all get a taste of, there’s a learning curve.  Of course, the very way that we do handle that stuff determines how tough it’s going to get.  Learn the lesson, it gets easier.   Keep doing the same stuff, and the lesson continues until we […]

When the Clearing Doesn’t “Work”

  A large part of the work I do involves “energetic clearing”.  A lot of people nod knowingly when such things are spoken of.  But as with a lot of things, that’s just because otherwise they think they’ll appear to be stupid (hell, I’ve done it myself when faced with something I know little about). […]

Who’s Right? Does it Really Matter?

The other day I read yet another blog post by someone who works in the intuitive/spiritual field calling “bullshit” on some details of spiritual knowledge or another.  I don’t really remember exactly what it was…  I think it was about “soul groups” and negative souls…stuff like that. I must admit that in the past I’ve been guilty […]

Money, Courage, and Taking Risks

One of my main ways of communicating is through my Facebook page (you’re invited to join me through the link over there on the right).  I post whatever occurs to me, usually several times a week.  The thoughts I share  usually are found helpful by at least a few people. It’s easy to tell which […]

© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.