

Hi there.

I’m glad you found my site, because that means there could be something here that you need.  🙂

That said, I hope you’re not disappointed upon learning  that I’m not really in the spiritual or coaching business any more.  The reasons for that are multiple, but it’s mostly that I’ve moved past that kind of thing.  If you’re looking for that stuff, there are plenty of good people offering it, I know them, and I’ll be happy to make recommendations for that sort of service.

What I am into now… I’ll save that.  I’m learning some fascinating new “spiritual” science stuff and it’s awesome.  But I’m not going to force that on you… if you’re curious, email me and I’ll turn you on to it.  Those who can hear will want to listen.

I’m keeping this site open mostly because I want to make the articles available.  Written from the perspective of a certain stage in my own evolution, many of them will resonate helpfully if you’re at the same stage.  A lot of it applies no matter if you’re taking a mystical track, or just looking for  good old-fashioned advice.  I will say that my ability to draw from the pool of information was and remains strong – the basic wisdom is there whether the words used are practical or more of the woo-woo variety.  You’ll find I’ve always trended practical, anyway.

You might run across some funky old links.  Sorry.  🙂

I’m not doing readings anymore.  Much as I could use the two hundred bucks, it wouldn’t be authentic at this point.

Same way with the free calls.  I just got too old to want to deal with people making appointments and not showing up, etc.  BUT… email’s cool  Ask me anything.  I’ll get back to you eventually.  🙂

Also, check the sidebar for two small ebooks I wrote for you.  They’re mostly about mindset, which honestly is the whole game when it comes to self-improvement.  You’re welcome!

Along the way I’ll probably post a few more things, like a guided meditation I was given to give you.  Keep up if you want.  My Facebook Page is a good place to be sometimes.

So thanks for stopping by, and don’t forget to email me if you wanna talk.





© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.