Exercise Your Will

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When we are first introduced to the idea that we are truly the Divine Creators of our own experiences via the Law of Attraction, we soon learn that our thoughts and emotions are the engines by which we direct the circumstances of our physical lives.  We set an intention around what we want (and understanding what we really want is a topic in itself) with our thoughts – the thoughts might be considered the particular frequency of the desired outcome.  We then use appropriate emotions to add power to the thoughts; the emotions become the amplitude, or magnitude of the frequency.  This is what pushes the effect of the thought out into the greater reality and allows the effect to occur.

Like attracts like.  If we want good things, the thoughts and emotions we use to create those things need to be positive (as defined by the individual).  As Esther Hicks says regarding the Law of Attraction, “nothing is more important than that you feel good.”  However, these good feelings need to be genuine.  You can’t fool the Universe any more than you can fool Mother Nature – slapping a happy-face sticker on top of your emotions simply won’t cut it.  You will be found out; the true, underlying thoughts and emotions will be the ones doing the creating.  Like attracts like.  Bummer.

So what’s the trick?  How in the world am I to attract the good things available to me when my current reality is full of pettiness, gloom, lack, or even pain?  The trick is discipline.

For much of my life, I considered the word “discipline” to be a dirty word.  We all know that the mantras for my generation, who came of age in the 1960’s, ran along the lines of “if it feels good, do it”, and the prevailing sense of rebellion against the constricting social and political structures of the 50’s played a large and valid part in these sentiments.  At the time, it did take a huge and colorful swing in the direction of complete individual freedom to counter the repressed, gray, conformist institutions that had been in place.  And, it was felt that whatever came “naturally” was best – after all, the conformity and oppression had been the product of man.  Therefore, rejecting man-made structures seemed to make sense.

Unfortunately, of course, this huge swing carried many of us a bit too far.  We continued to “do it” even after it stopped feeling good at the deepest levels, and the habit of automatic rebellion became harmful…both to us as individuals and to our social structures and those that followed.  We got in the habit of going with the flow, but not in a flowing way.  We went wherever our random physical, emotional and mental tides carried us, seeking pleasure or low-level satisfaction as the whim struck us.  Feeling good at those levels serves to mask our dissatisfaction at soul level.  It also inhibits our ability to progress spiritually, which is really job number one.

Getting out of this pattern, it turns out, does require effort.  The prime rule that we are bound by in creating our lives is that we are in charge.  The gift of free will is not only the tool we are given to manifest our reality –  it also means that we’re responsible for the direct means and methods to produce that reality.  So, what that means is that, unless we learn to control those thoughts and emotions that create our reality, we will never be able to purposefully direct the conditions and circumstances that attract what we want.  We’ll always be subject to the ebb and flow of events and our surroundings.

It takes practice to move out of a knee-jerk, reactive habit into a more directed pattern.  Simple meditation is a good start.  Focusing on a candle and counting your breaths gives your mind something to do while at the same time enforcing a condition you’ve placed on your thoughts.  By showing your “ego” who’s boss, you train yourself in the ability to purposely have thoughts of your choosing and therefore project the thoughts that will be useful to your efforts at attraction.

Likewise, controlling your emotions will increase your power over your ability to manifest your life.  Again, it does take consciousness and effort; but you can train yourself to  first be aware of automatic reactions to circumstances.  Once you’re aware of them, the next step is to change them.  As soon as you become aware of an emotion that’s not in your best interest, destructive or painful…stop it!  Remember: you’re in charge.  If you learn to do that, and begin doing it consistently, eventually it will replace the habit of simply reacting with a controlled response of your choosing.  Thus, you now will be choosing the thoughts and emotions as you please, and this (along with appropriate action) will allow you to manifest the physical reality of your choice.

Not only that, but once you’ve become fully conscious in this 4th-dimensional (thoughts and emotions) level, you’ll begin to move into more of a fifth-dimensional awareness, which is where you can directly access guidance from your higher-self aspect and your spirit guides.  Conveniently, you will then also begin receiving a higher degree of insight into what physical, direct actions you might take in order to assist your manifestation process.

So…you get out of the process what you’re willing to put in.  Exercise your free will, gain control over your lower aspects, and watch your personal power grow.

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  1. You’re welcome, Louis. Hope it helps!

  2. Be Blessed !!! Thanks for the info…very helpful.

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.