As the vibration and spiritual evolution of this planet and its inhabitants rise (as evidenced in so many ways), many aspects of our collective and individual lives reflect that change. This means higher highs and lower lows; and even as the amplitude (degree of change) of events gets more broad, so does the rate of […]
True Authenticity – It’s All You
I believe that we are here to learn and grow, and in the process to work our way back to the Source from which we sprang. Our very individuality is an illusion, but a purposeful one. Our purpose, as tiny sparks flung off the Creative Fire of Source, is to experience creation as fully as possible and so provide the Creator […]
Exercise Your Will
Share on Facebook When we are first introduced to the idea that we are truly the Divine Creators of our own experiences via the Law of Attraction, we soon learn that our thoughts and emotions are the engines by which we direct the circumstances of our physical lives. We set an intention around what we […]
Unleashing The Beast
Share on Facebook It seems like ages since I’ve written anything. I could pass it off as laziness; or better yet, lack of inspiration. But the truth is, I’ve known for some time that there was this thing I had to write about but didn’t want to. Furthermore, I knew it had to be […]
Just What Is Negativity?
Share on Facebook As I advance in my own understanding (and so am able to pass it on), I’m often subjected to clusters of information that come in around the same theme. These may be from new people who show up, information from people I already have contact with, or situations to which my […]
Pay Attention to Your Hot Buttons
Share on Facebook Most of us have a few issues that, for whatever reason, really get us steamed. Sometimes they’re very clear; and sometimes something will happen or someone will say something that just rubs us the wrong way, and we can feel that sick feeling of anger, sadness, resentment welling up in our […]
You Are Utterly Alone
Share on Facebook When we experience periods of upset, uncontrolled change, “bad luck”, sadness, or any of the many other flavors of what we see as pain, it’s comforting to think that there are people who are ready and willing to help. We look to friends and family, healers, and spiritual teachers to “make us feel […]