Just What Is Negativity?

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     As I advance in my own understanding (and so am able to pass it on), I’m often subjected to clusters of information that come in around the same theme.  These may be from new people who show up, information from people I already have contact with, or situations to which my attention is drawn.  Claircognizance (which is the most common of intuitive gifts) then allows me to assemble these bits of information into an overarching concept.  So it has been recently around the idea of “negativity”.  I had an experience with a person; a friend said something in passing; an area in my personal life went sideways a little, and this all congealed into a lesson.

     In my work, every day I clear “negativities” from peoples’ soul records.  It’s a major part of what I do, and the effects are usually easily seen.  People become “un-stuck”.  In Soul Realignment we call them “blocks and restrictions”, but it never really sunk in for me why we call them that.  Having just reached a new level of understanding, it’s now much more clear – not just on an intellectual level, but I can now feel the energy around the idea.

     Negativity is not “bad”.  In fact, it’s not anything.  It is the opposite of “something” – the Truth.  Truth exists; negativity (or untruth) doesn’t, except to the extent that Light is blocked and/or absorbed.

     Just as darkness is simply the absence of Light, so is negativity.  A negative entity, soul, or etheric program doesn’t really create anything….it simply absorbs (and in the process, blocks) the Light.  So when we say that such a being or program is creating “dark energy” in a person in order to feed off of it, what we are really saying is that it is blocking the Light (the Source energy) going to and from that soul.  In the process (as I visualize it), it is transforming the Light into nothingness – it becomes a black hole from which  Light cannot escape.  On human terms, this is why “negative” people noticeably drain our energy just being around them.  They don’t need to punch us in the nose or even, for the more skillful ones, say anything negative at all.  Their mere presence sets up a small vortex leading into the vacuum at their core; and a portion of our Light energy, instead of radiating back out into the Universe and doing whatever it is we as Creator want it to do, simply disappears and we become less effective at expressing our Divine gifts.

     We can’t really “fight” negativity – it’s literally like shadow-boxing.  You will never land a punch on it, because there’s nothing solid there to hit.  The energy you expend trying to rid yourself of it is wasted – in fact, that energy is actually feeding the vortex that leads to the vacuum.  And of course, the more you feed the vortex, the more powerful it becomes like a tornado gathering steam as it goes along.

        This realization permitted me to reduce the concept to a few words (as far as words are able to express such things): in human terms, negativity is that which prevents you from the full expression of your Divine Self and your gifts.

     Since you can’t fight it (lest it become ever more more effective at blocking your full expression), the best way to avoid the effects of negativity is to pretty much avoid it.  Physically, if you can – just walk away.  If you can’t walk away, as in a job situation, walk away emotionally.  There’s a great scene in one of the Harry Potter movies where the wizzard-students are instructed to manifest whatever it is that frightens them the most, and then to engage in raucous laughter – which makes the frightening thing shrivel up and vanish.  So, laugh it off.  It might take practice, but it works.

     Of course, the negativities at soul level (which we may be aware of but cannot name or isolate) are best dealt with through spiritual means like Soul Realignment – that’s pulling them out by the roots.  But the effects or symptoms of these blocks and restrictions that are usually easily observable, can show us ways to work around the black holes and avoid having our Light energy stolen, allowing us a fuller expression of our unique Self-ness.  Remember that awareness is power.  Use your awareness of negativity to neutralize it.
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  1. True dat. When I do a clearing, I’ve learned to stay detached…if I “watch” what’s going on, it’s from behind a thick, plate glass window.

  2. Love the Harry Potter example, I think the dementors are an example of how people feed off us-draining our life force. As an artist I have felt all kinds of energies and and sense when we are being depleted. It is a matter of keeping a healthy distance from it-like a hot stove…don’t touch it.

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.