A very nice lady recently posted a comment on my Facebook page to the effect that she doesn’t always have what she wants, but she always has what she needs – and is satisfied with that. Fair enough – sounds like a peaceful way to live. But it got the wheels a-turning in my head; something didn’t […]
The New Idolatry
In the Judeo-Christian tradition, we are told (via the Ten Commandments) that “Ye shall have no other gods before me.” Sounds simple enough…if one decides to subscribe to the “one true God” system of that and many other organized religions. Obviously, having God say this also provides an easy solution to the problem of competition […]
Mental Health and Spirituality – Part I
The topic of mental health and its relationship with spirituality is quite a sticky wicket. Just the fact that so much of spiritual belief and practice depends upon intensely personal and subjective thoughts and experiences makes it hard to draw a line between mental “illness” and the vivid spiritual experience. Throw in the dogma attached to both the psychiatric/psychological fields and […]
Have You Decided To Be Alone?
In everyone’s life, there comes a time when we realize that no one is coming to save us. Throughout childhood, we necessarily depend on others for nearly everything; our physical needs, comfort, even perhaps our sense of self, and self-esteem. But eventually as we mature and become more aware of how the world works, we […]
True Authenticity – It’s All You
I believe that we are here to learn and grow, and in the process to work our way back to the Source from which we sprang. Our very individuality is an illusion, but a purposeful one. Our purpose, as tiny sparks flung off the Creative Fire of Source, is to experience creation as fully as possible and so provide the Creator […]
The Alchemy of Human Relationships
Share on Facebook You came into this physical world alone, and you’ll go out the same way. Oh, there are beings in spirit whose job it is to escort us in and out, but at one end you’re the one being born; and at the other end, it’s only you passing on. In between those endpoints, the […]
Exercise Your Will
Share on Facebook When we are first introduced to the idea that we are truly the Divine Creators of our own experiences via the Law of Attraction, we soon learn that our thoughts and emotions are the engines by which we direct the circumstances of our physical lives. We set an intention around what we […]
The Architecture of Belief
Share on Facebook A while back, I ran a contest on my website. The theme was, “What Do You Believe, and Why Do you Believe It?”. The primary purpose for the exercise was to try and make people examine their belief systems. As well, I myself had gone through a very specific process to arrive […]
Unleashing The Beast
Share on Facebook It seems like ages since I’ve written anything. I could pass it off as laziness; or better yet, lack of inspiration. But the truth is, I’ve known for some time that there was this thing I had to write about but didn’t want to. Furthermore, I knew it had to be […]
Just What Is Negativity?
Share on Facebook As I advance in my own understanding (and so am able to pass it on), I’m often subjected to clusters of information that come in around the same theme. These may be from new people who show up, information from people I already have contact with, or situations to which my […]