Soul groups? There’s a lot of information and speculation out there around the topic of “soul groups”. As in anything along spiritual lines, there is no right or wrong, per se. One can’t positively “prove” any of the information, except to oneself. But you can work through the available concepts and see what makes […]
Do You Have a Soul Mate?
Short answer, no. Now, since I know that’s going to leave some people scratching their heads (and more than a few more than a little pissed), allow me to elucidate. 🙂 Contracts vs. free will… The prime gift that we have in this Earth school is free will – not all systems work that […]
Life Purpose: The School of Hard Knocks?
I believe that the whole point of life on this planet is to have experiences on behalf of our Creator (Source, God, Consciousness…). At the same time, those experiences are intended to be the vehicle for us to learn and evolve; this is our basic life purpose. We perceive these as physical experiences, but the ultimate […]
When the Clearing Doesn’t “Work”
A large part of the work I do involves “energetic clearing”. A lot of people nod knowingly when such things are spoken of. But as with a lot of things, that’s just because otherwise they think they’ll appear to be stupid (hell, I’ve done it myself when faced with something I know little about). […]
Reincarnation and Mediumship: What Up?
When my spiritual “awakening” really kicked in and I began to investigate this whole spirituality thing in earnest, I constantly looked for validations of what I was hearing, if not outright proof. I had to remain a skeptic until my doubts had been satisfied – otherwise, my belief system would have been based on nothing (i my estimation, and […]
Letting Go of the Pain; Stop Slapping Yourself!
I recently had a few conversations that provided stark evidence of what happens when we choose to keep ourselves in the “comfort” zone of pain. We can call this choice “subconscious”…but it’s really more properly an un-conscious reaction. It’s conditioning,, and it continues simply because we don’t take the time to examine and become aware […]
Have You Decided To Be Alone?
In everyone’s life, there comes a time when we realize that no one is coming to save us. Throughout childhood, we necessarily depend on others for nearly everything; our physical needs, comfort, even perhaps our sense of self, and self-esteem. But eventually as we mature and become more aware of how the world works, we […]
A Conversation with my Self
Recently I was having an email conversation with a friend of mine, another Soul Realignment practitioner. Being a very kind and sensitive soul, she’d noticed and understood some of the issues, both personal and professional, I’ve been struggling with. Yes…teachers and healers still have their problems. It’s called being human and it never stops completely. […]
The Meaning of Life and Reincarnation
I know: you never thought you’d find the ultimate answers to life’s questions in a blog, but I was prompted to share something that really was quite basic to my own awakening and resuming this spiritual path…