When the Clearing Doesn’t “Work”


A large part of the work I do involves “energetic clearing”.  A lot of people nod knowingly when such things are spoken of.  But as with a lot of things, that’s just because otherwise they think they’ll appear to be stupid (hell, I’ve done it myself when faced with something I know little about).

I guess a lot of peeps think it means that I can clear away their sorrow, depression, confusion, ennui, or whatever other character flaws are bugging them.  But no…I can’t do that.  Best I can do is to tell you a damn funny (usually filthy) joke to make you laugh, or tell you how awesome you are (which I would never do unless you really are awesome) to get you revved up.  But really I can’t “make” you feel any different than you do right this minute.  You do that.

No, that’s not what gets cleared.  What gets cleared is the thing that is getting in your way and making it that much harder to be happy, or abundant, or to find a mate, or whatever else is sucking for you in a major way.  The methods that I use allow us to  find out exactly what it was that you did (or agreed to, or stumbled into through your own greed, ignorance, or impatience) to bring the shit-storm down upon you.  It could have been 20 lifetimes ago when you gave away a chunk of yourself out of some mistaken sense of obligation.  It might have been in your teens when your angst was so great that you set your intention to be spared the pain at any cost…and someone or some…thing came along, made you feel better, and then attached to you and began sucking the very goodness and life-force right out of you.  Those were mistakes.  We can wipe the record clean…make it as though they never happened and from there on out, the runway is cleared for take-off.  Of course, you still need to be willing to fly, but now the wind is in your favor.

One specific bugaboo I sometimes see isn’t really an external attachment that’s leeching off of your psyche, or a missing part of you…it’s a perception that you hold – and it has to do with how we learn our lessons and evolve.

Life lessons and karma are closely tied together.  We usually have a particular primary lesson that we want to focus on in any given lifetime, and I can find out what that is and tell you.  Of course, it would be dumb to waste an entire lifetime on one lesson, so there are secondary ones as well.  So maybe at any given time we’re working on learning forgiveness, courage, and equanimity at the same time.  If we screw up one of these lessons, there’s a consequence (not a punishment).  Of course the kindergarten example would be touching a hot stove.  The stove isn’t punishing you…it doesn’t give a shit one way or another, and neither does the Universe.  You keep touching that stove and the lesson is reinforced until you learn better.  C’est la façon dont il est.

But sometimes the lesson is such a big, traumatic one and the consequences of our actions so far-reaching, and permeate so much of our existence that even after we’ve learned that lesson and balanced the scales, we’re still afraid of making that mistake again.  We should be moving past it but we continue to attract situations and circumstances that will reinforce the lesson.  We want to make damn sure we don’t ever do that again!  This is called “an unjustified perception of unresolved karma” and although it’s not something that everyone carries, it’s common enough.  And when we clear it simply by becoming conscious of it and setting the intention to just not keep trying to learn that lesson anymore because it’s not necessary, we stop manifesting those learning experiences.  We accept the diploma, frame it on the wall with all the others we’ve earned, and go on to other things.  We’re done with that.

But the whole reason for this particular article has to do with something that occurred to me recently about my work.  It doesn’t happen often, but again often enough to make it noticeable: a client and I will do the work, get to the bottom of all the negativities and blocks that they’ve been carrying, and do the clearing thing.  Really, some effects are often seen immediately, and that’s cool.  Sometimes the client is impatient and expects immediate results…in those cases, I’m like, “Hello?  You’ve been in this pattern for 861 years and you expect it to go away overnight?” (and truth be told, the impatience itself is usually what is holding up the parade in those cases).

But sometimes…and this is hard to say…sometimes nothing happens.  Unfortunately many clients never get back to me and report on what’s happening.  But I intuitively know that sometimes some part of the clearing doesn’t seem to do diddly-squat for people.  Of course, there are those who never really believed that the work would help in the first place, and that’s on them because they’re resisting it.

Now, I know that the clearing does do what it’s intended to do.  I have no doubt whatsoever anymore of that.  Too many people have told me about the changes they’ve seen, and you can read some of them here.

So, like, how come the results sometimes seem to be erratic, even accounting for the self-saboteurs?  Why, after finding all the blocks and negativities that we’re permitted to see at any given time, do people continue to experience the crap that brought them to me in the first place?

I think that I’ve been given an answer, and it’s sooo simple (like most good answers):  in some cases I’ve been asking the wrong questions!

See, there are a whole lot of specific things that I look for…sometimes in an initial session I might ask 150 questions, refining the information until I can get it down to a very specific sunspot in the client’s energetic field…and usually get to learn how it got there in the first place.  I’m looking for bad things…things that get in the way of the person’s ability to take advantage of the Divine Energies we all have access to.  These are all things that have nothing to do with our karmic balance…they’re things that shouldn’t be there, that serve no purpose in regard to our learning our lessons and evolving.  But what about justified negative karma?  Do you think for one hot minute that spirit is going to let me clear an ongoing lesson?  Would I be permitted to subvert the very basic process that a particular soul has chosen in order to advance itself?  Hell no!  That’s certainly not my job.  No, sir.  Not me.  Uh-uh.  Nope.

This download, this eye-opening expansion of my concept of my own work, is an awesome gift for both me and my clients.  Because when the process doesn’t seem to work, there has to be a reason for that.  Was a time when I myself said, “Well, crap.  Maybe it just didn’t work.  Maybe my work sucks.”  Not so.

There’s a fairly famous and popular psychic who I admire immensely.  She has MS.  I once heard her say that in a previous lifetime, she was a physician who had an awful bedside manner…treated her (his, really) patients like slabs of beef …and so now she was spending pretty much an entire lifetime learning what it’s like to be on the other end of the stethoscope.  Think we’d be able to clear that?  That’s learning.  That’s karma.

I can guaran-damn-tee you that from this point forward I’m going to incorporate a little bit of extra inquiry into my work.  If some portion of your troubles continue even after working with me, I want you to know why.  I suspect that it’s going to be tied to that primary life lesson somehow – it’s just a matter of connecting the dots.  What an empowering thing that will be: to know that there’s a reason…a damn good reason…for what’s happening.  Even better, since we’ve cleared all the other little crap that’s been getting in your way, the knowledge of what the heck it is that you’re trying to balance will make it so much easier to bear; not only that, but it will help you zoom to the head of the class and get that diploma a lot faster.

Then I’ll meet you on the playground for a round of Red Rover or something.  It’ll be fun.  OK?



  1. Hi Rich,

    Yes, when they say it’s the journey, not the destination…that’s what they’re talking about. 🙂

    If you do clearing work at a high level, the patterns set up by whatever was cleared will go on for awhile in your mental and emotional aspect…sort of like stirring the water and it keeps moving for a bit even after you stop.

    Keep up the good work, and thanks for commenting.

  2. A truly great article! I’m still learning and struggling daily to remove the negative energy from my life. I feel the positive results but it appears my own human nature keeps reminding me of the negative things. What I have noticed the most is that my positive energy is getting stronger by the day and its affecting all aspects of my life. I think when we have a clearing we begin two processes of both healing and maturing. I hope I’m looking at this correctly, I just see this whole thing as a learning process that begins the moment the first clearing ends. I say the first clearing because I find I need to clear my field daily like sweeping dust from the past. Thank you!

  3. Hi Joumana! Thanks for commenting.

    Yep…no one can be helped until they’re ready. Trust me…I know. 🙂

    It takes some looking around until you find the help you really need, but it sure is worth it. That’s the real meaning of being a “seeker”, for me.

  4. I love this post, Michael!
    I am ashamed to say that a few years ago, I was one of those people who nodded knowingly (well, maybe not so knowingly in my case :-])
    But I am also very happy to say that now I know better. I know the amazing transformations that can take place when we allow them, when we are open to them.
    This article is a great reminder that no matter how great the healer, ultimately it’s the client’s free will and karma that determine the amount and kind of healing that gets done.

  5. Thanks brutha. The term “healer” is rather misleading because it leads people to think that someone else can “fix” them. But they’re not thinking it through: even an MD or surgeon doesn’t heal anything…he just facilitates the conditions necessary for healing.

    Some things just have to be dealt with.

    Hey, 101F here today. I might have to move to Phoenix to cool down. 😉

  6. Hi AJ,

    What anyone else believes is irrelevant, of course. The proof is in the pudding; and since our beliefs and intentions control our world, for those who are “skeptics”, they’re right…that resistance will give them the results they expect (i.e., nada).

    Thanks for sharing your story, and good luck with the work.

  7. Nice post Mike,

    I believe that what some people perceive is a clearing involves having all the personal, negative and sometimes nasty parts of themselves banished forever and ever amen. No fuss no muss.

    Sure, negative thought patterns and such can be cleared with noticeable and immediate results….you’ve experienced the results up close and personal.

    I agree with you, it’s the life lessons and karma related to their own personal spiritual development that can be the real bugaboo for most folks.

    Great post!

  8. There is one person I know specifically who is very skeptical of clearing. Unfortunately, she has a lot of followers in this community. I don’t agree with her. I think that clearing can change your life. It did mine. I do think, however, we should be nice and polite about it to our clients though.

    Take me for example. I had some unjustified karma and some tears in my energy field. I also had a spirit who was draining some of my energy too. There was also a situation where I had taken some vows in my past life and they were effecting me very intimately. All of that has been cleared and my life is so much better. The only thing I could not heal were some excess soul fragments that don’t belong to me. A friend of mine did some channelling for me and told me this beautiful love story behind it. As far as I know, it can’t be cleared as easily. I have a session with a professional to fix this in the Astral Plane. I’m so excited to see how my life changes when these are fixed.

    I’m learning clearing from somebody named Susann Shier and that’s exactly what my experience has been too. She’s a great teacher. You’re so right, you have to ask the right questions for it to work.

    I think you have to really thoroughly understand the concepts too so you have the right frame of reference. For example, you and I (studying different modalities) might ask the exact same questions and get different answers because our definitions aren’t 100% the same.

    Great post Michael!

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.