Do You Have a Soul Mate?


Short answer, no.

Now, since I know that’s going to leave some people scratching their heads  (and more than a few more than a little pissed), allow me to elucidate.  🙂

Contracts vs. free will…

The prime gift that we have in this Earth school is free will – not all systems work that way.  But here, it’s how we create  and how we learn.  But there was a time in our evolution as souls that we needed a sort of  a boost to the free sm will thing.  So we entered into contracts with other souls for various purposes; healing, energy transfer, protection.  That way each was bound to provide assistance.

But now, we have evolved and have a greater responsibility to exercise the gift of free will.  This is the next step and the one we’re in right now.  We no longer will benefit from actual contracts – in fact, they’ll hold us back.  We don’t need to be bound to any other soul like that now.  Free will.

Another variety of contract is the soul-mate contract.  In a nutshell, this binds the two souls to seek one another out and share a life, whenever possible.  Again, what’s wrong with that is the lack of choice in the matter.

Possibly even worse, we often find situations where one soul has voided the contract but the other remains bound by it.  One spends a lifetime seeking; the other is oblivious.   Guess which one is impacted negatively?

So, if you do have a soul mate in this sense, that contract really should be voided.  Fortunately, contracts can be cleared just like any other energetic glitch.

Soul-level agreements…

On the other hand, we are co-creators after all, and meant to work together.  That’s why we now have agreements instead of contracts.

Besides the grouping that we do to loosely classify souls by place of origin in the Universe, we also gather in informal clans… bound by association and experiences together.  These fellow travelers  likely number in the thousands.  We form agreements with some of these souls to the effect that, if possible, we’ll get together in a given lifetime to work on our mutual spiritual development.  Thus, you probably have an agreement of some kind with nearly everyone with whom you interact.

We usually see a progression of relationships over lifetimes.  Two souls may begin as casual acquaintances.  If the association is found to be mutually beneficial, downstream they may enter the same family as sibling, etc.  Eventually the form of agreement may lead to the individuals becoming a married couple or some similar close relationship.  But because it’s not a contract, it’s always subject to free will and choice for both parties, and that way it  facilitates growth.

The next time you have that tingle of instant recognition when you meet someone,pay attention.  That person is probably not a soul mate… but is almost surely a kindred spirit who showed up for a reason.



  1. Thank you I have always thought and felt that way 🙂 When I am doing intuitive readings I have to explain this a lot. I feel we are more blessed to have many kindreds then just one soul mate.
    Thank you again I really enjoy reading you blogs!

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