You Are a No-Good, Dirty Rotten Liar!

  Lately I’ve been doing some more rigorous filtering of the people I’ll work with. It’s not that I don’t have good clients already; it’s more a change in my attitude toward my work. Honestly, when I started out I was like most people who want to work independently: if you were breathing and could […]

Where Did My Mojo Go?

  Back when I began doing this work, I intended to help everyone. I was going to pull the lowest of the low out of the pit of despair. I was going to help heal the sick and lame, the addicts, the mentally ill – everything short of raising them from the dead. And so, […]

Do-It-Yourself Enlightenment?

  When it comes to development of any kind… spiritual, personal, mental, emotional… many of us try to go it alone at first. This is especially true of men, I think; and “smart” people of any gender have spent so much time learning that there is so much wrong information out there that they’ve come […]

Three Realizations That Changed Everything

  I use myself as an example a lot when I’m teaching. Naturally I know myself as well as anyone, and have been witness to what was silently going on in the background. I’ve  picked myself apart numerous times, and I’ve found that no matter how different we all are, there are certain principles that […]

Are You Wasting Your Time?

    One of my favorite concepts is that nothing is ever wasted. Usually I’m referring to life experiences. It all adds up to something, always. What’s here now would be impossible without what came before. That’s just the way it works in our particular system. But yeah, things sure can look wasted. And sometimes […]

Faith and Doubt – Two Sides, Same Coin

  A Personal Lesson Story… The lessons go on and on… the only things that change as we grow are the magnitude and speed at which they show up. This week I was prompted to move my practice to another level.  Over the years I’ve tried a whole big buttload of different formats; half-hour and […]

Who Are You, Really?

As we go through life handing the bumps and bruises that we all get a taste of, there’s a learning curve.  Of course, the very way that we do handle that stuff determines how tough it’s going to get.  Learn the lesson, it gets easier.   Keep doing the same stuff, and the lesson continues until we […]

It’s You, Not Them

Recently a pal of mine, Julie, wrote something about “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”   Got me thinking. Of course it’s a cliche’…but cliches become cliches for a reason: because as often as not they’re true. Those of us with “differently-enabled” loved ones in our lives become painfully aware of this truism.  Nothing […]

When the Clearing Doesn’t “Work”

  A large part of the work I do involves “energetic clearing”.  A lot of people nod knowingly when such things are spoken of.  But as with a lot of things, that’s just because otherwise they think they’ll appear to be stupid (hell, I’ve done it myself when faced with something I know little about). […]

Your Life Purpose: To Live

  One of the most common questions I’m asked by a client is, “what is my Life Purpose?”.  My reply is usually, “What do you want to do?”, because that’s it.  Well, most of it anyhow. Look at it this way: the Creator was bored.  IT was All.  When there is only One point of […]

© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.