Do-It-Yourself Enlightenment?


When it comes to development of any kind… spiritual, personal, mental, emotional…
many of us try to go it alone at first. This is especially true of men, I think; and “smart”
people of any gender have spent so much time learning that there is so much wrong
information out there that they’ve come to depend on their own resources almostYou_Can_Do-It-Yourself exclusively. They feel that if they can’t figure something out, it can’t be figured out,

It’s absolutely a fact that when it comes to deep truth, you are the only one who can find
it.. No one can teach it to you, no one can do it for you. That’s part of the responsibility
and the power that you have as a conscious and Divine being. Blame it on free will. It
doesn’t take too much thought to see what a curse and a blessing that can be. Like fire, it
can destroy or create depending upon how you use it.

But there’s a modifier to the free will thing: you do need to do it yourself, but you need
not do it alone.

It’s like the old cliché’ about how we men (and a lot of ladies) hate to stop and ask for
directions. Personally, I have that going on just a little bit. I druther drive around for an
extra half-hour and find it myself. It’s not pride, really, in the sense that someone else
knows more than I do; of course they do, they live there! It’s more about a sense of
accomplishment… a challenge of sorts. When I finally find that restaurant or new
friend’s house, it’s an “a-ha!” moment. Lookit what I can do, Maw!

So in that case, I don’t mind losing a half-hour because the accomplishment is worth it.
A tiny victory to celebrate.

Keep your pride, lose the world..

But what about the big picture? What about that vision of what you want in (and from)
life… who you’d like to be in ten years… how you’ll be remembered and what you’ll
leave behind?

Many of us sadly spend our entire lives driving around. Often, in circles. Job after
boring job. Relationship after identical, ill-fated relationship. The brief spaces in
between filled with alcohol or pot or self-pity or anger, or whatever our drug of choice.
‘Round and ‘round.

Well yeah, sometimes you stop at a map store disguised as a telecourse about spirituality
or personal development, and you read the books or scan the map and say “Hmm, very
interesting. Now, what the f*ck are they talking about?”

Sometimes you go through the motions and follow the instructions you’re given to
achieve abundance, or enlightenment, or whatever you think that you want. Most times
you don’t do the actions, even though you’ve spent a lot of money. Just below the
surface, you really don’t believe it’ll work. Shit, nothing else has, right? You’re the only
one in the world for whom this stuff won’t work. You’re hopeless. You’re special.


Welp, my friend… no. For one thing, you’re just freaking lazy. Yeah, I said it. I don’t
care about your self-esteem; I care about your empowerment as the super-being you are.
That takes a realization on your part. Again: you can be shown a thing, but only you can
see it; given a tool, you have to use it.

For another thing, buying a roadmap is fine, but unless you know just where you are in
the first place, it’s no good. Even a GPs first needs to figure out the starting point.

And most of those telecourses and seminars and books are like that. They’re meant to
help thousands of people, which is great. But their usefulness is limited, because
whatever the process is it can’t take into account your own personal starting point. That’s
quite often where you need help first; seeing clearly where you are in relation to where
you want to be.

But you’ll never get that help if you won’t stop and ask directions from someone who
lives there, or has passed through many times. You might even be holding the map
upside down. Will you allow your fear of embarrassment to stop you from getting help?

Don’t settle for going in circles for even one more day. Think of all the money and fuel
and a finite amount of time – you’re wasting it all. Get some specific, focused,
personalized help to figure out whom and where you are right now; it won’t be long
before you’ll be forging ahead of the lifelong traffic jam as though it were never there.

For personal and effective help in transforming you life, please see my Life Support page.
You never know.


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© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.