“I Think I Already Knew That”

As you can imagine, people consult with intuitives, psychics and energy workers for a wide variety of reasons.  Obviously, the common thread is that they want help with things that they haven’t been able to do anything about through other means.  Intuitive work is the red-headed stepchild of the healing arts world; after psychotherapy and medicine don’t produce the results they […]

Grandfather White Pine

  We live in a wooded area, halfway up a ridge in central Pennsylvania.  It’s a cool place to live, for sure…second-growth forest, mostly oaks and maples with a variety of other species thrown in.  Classic Eastern Woodlands. Last December our neighbor decided to have some trees cleared, both to make little money and to […]

Money, Courage, and Taking Risks

One of my main ways of communicating is through my Facebook page (you’re invited to join me through the link over there on the right).  I post whatever occurs to me, usually several times a week.  The thoughts I share  usually are found helpful by at least a few people. It’s easy to tell which […]

The Conformity of the Non-Conformist

One of the first things I realized (almost as soon as I had any conscious thoughts at all) was that I wasn’t like everyone else. I remember looking around me as a small child and thinking, “WTF?  What is this place?”  Or at least the baby equivalent of that.  🙂 Oh, I had a pretty good family.  My parents […]

Spiritual Awakening: So what?

We hear a lot these days about people “waking up”.  Waking up to their spirituality…to their potential…to the idea that what we see around us is not all there is to the universe. Often, this change in outlook is born of extreme pain.  We’ve tried everything we know of to get our lives on track…like […]

Letting Go of the Pain; Stop Slapping Yourself!

I recently had a few conversations that provided stark evidence of what happens when we choose to keep ourselves in the “comfort” zone of pain.  We can call this choice “subconscious”…but it’s really more properly an un-conscious reaction.  It’s conditioning,, and it continues simply because we don’t take the time to examine and become aware […]

Take the Long View to get the Big Picture

As many of you know, when I first began offering my services I identified myself as  a Soul Realignment practitioner…and that was that.  And that trademarked modality served me well for quite a while.  It gave me a framework upon which to hang my natural intuitive talents.  That work depends upon using a specific method […]

Mental Health and Spirituality – Part I

The topic of mental health and its relationship with spirituality is quite a sticky wicket.  Just the fact that so much of spiritual belief and practice depends upon intensely personal and subjective thoughts and experiences makes it hard to draw a line between mental “illness” and the vivid spiritual experience.  Throw in the dogma attached to both the psychiatric/psychological fields and […]

What’s Really Holding You Back?

Many years ago when I was in high school, I was what was known as a “chronic underachiever”. My grades were terrible…I intensely disliked the social atmosphere in school, and the material and mind-numbing repetition of most courses bored me. In senior year, one morning my homeroom teacher gave me a file folder and told […]

Have You Decided To Be Alone?

In everyone’s life, there comes a time when we realize that no one is coming to save us. Throughout childhood, we necessarily depend on others for nearly everything; our physical needs, comfort, even perhaps our sense of self, and self-esteem. But eventually as we mature and become more aware of how the world works, we […]

© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.