Mental Health and Spirituality – Part II

In the first post in this series two weeks ago, we looked at general circumstances regarding the connection between spiritual experience and mental illness.  We will now get a bit more specific. A question was asked about how entity attachments can occur.  That depends. First a definition: an “entity” as we use it is any […]

Mental Health and Spirituality – Part I

The topic of mental health and its relationship with spirituality is quite a sticky wicket.  Just the fact that so much of spiritual belief and practice depends upon intensely personal and subjective thoughts and experiences makes it hard to draw a line between mental “illness” and the vivid spiritual experience.  Throw in the dogma attached to both the psychiatric/psychological fields and […]

Jeremy Returns

Jeremy was born in 1966, when I was 16 years old.  It was 10 years before Saturday Night Live introduced Mr. Bill, and at least 4 years before I saw my first underground comic.  He just showed up in my head one day and insisted on coming out through the end of a pen. I’m […]

What’s Really Holding You Back?

Many years ago when I was in high school, I was what was known as a “chronic underachiever”. My grades were terrible…I intensely disliked the social atmosphere in school, and the material and mind-numbing repetition of most courses bored me. In senior year, one morning my homeroom teacher gave me a file folder and told […]

Have You Decided To Be Alone?

In everyone’s life, there comes a time when we realize that no one is coming to save us. Throughout childhood, we necessarily depend on others for nearly everything; our physical needs, comfort, even perhaps our sense of self, and self-esteem. But eventually as we mature and become more aware of how the world works, we […]

Negative Validation – Sometimes the Best

Like most people, it’s taken me a number of years to build my belief system to its present state. I’ve written here several times and in depth about what I think it takes to build a solid framework of belief. For me personally, although I do work very intuitively once I have that framework within […]

Do You Have “Enough”?

One of the first concepts we run across nowadays when we begin a spiritual path is the idea that we create our own reality (as part of the so-called “Law of Attraction”). Most of us believe in that, to one degree or another (because the results of a simple cause-and-effect pattern simply can’t be denied, […]

Healing Our Multiple Selves Through Soul Realignment

We each exist on many distinct levels. These may be thought of as different frequency ranges…a lot like the AM and FM bands of terrestrial radio, UHF and VHF television bands, microwave and cell phone frequencies, etc. There are ranges of sound and light energy that we cannot directly experience except through technology. The physical […]

Is Your Life an If-Then statement?

When attempting to manifest the reality we want, it’s not enough to simply visualize a desired outcome and hope for the best. Visualization is a conscious exercise, and even if we are able to clearly see in our thoughts that which we want, we are not dealing with the underlying layer of thought in the […]

As it is Above, So it is Below…and vice-versa

I often use my Facebook page to expose the insights I’m given – a truth unexpressed is less than helpful. Sometimes what I say is accepted by readers as is, sometimes not. It matters little; I would be exposing my truths whether they were being read and understood or not. The important thing is the […]

© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.