Healing Our Multiple Selves Through Soul Realignment

We each exist on many distinct levels. These may be thought of as different frequency ranges…a lot like the AM and FM bands of terrestrial radio, UHF and VHF television bands, microwave and cell phone frequencies, etc. There are ranges of sound and light energy that we cannot directly experience except through technology.

The physical frequencies are the slowest and most dense, and therefore easiest to detect, up through visible light – which enables us to see our surroundings. Our mental and emotional bodies exist in a range above those that we can detect so far. The electrical impulses that represent thoughts and emotions can be detected by modern science, but so far we are unable to actually “read” those frequencies with our technology…but we know they are there because we experience them. Also, with training (or natural ability) some people are able to pick up those frequencies directly. This is documented to some extent by “ESP” studies.

In the “spiritual” realm (at least in the system in which I operate), we exist in many frequency bands above the mental/emotional. A convenient way of thinking of this is to name the physical realm the 3rd “dimension”, the mental/emotional body exist in the 4th dimension; and the Higher Self (soul), exists in the fifth dimension. (Modern science calls time the 4th dimension, but this is not congruent for our purposes here; I would daresay that time is actually a component of the third scientific dimension).

In the structure in which many spiritual workers operate, we consider there to be a number of “higher” dimensions above the 5th. As beings who incarnate (or who once were involved in this activity), we likely have aspects which reach up into eight dimensions. This would be the realm of the Ascended Master Teachers such as Jesus and Buddha. We also consider there to be several levels of existence beyond the 8th. The ninth through 12th “dimensions” are the realms of angels (and demons, which are simply dark-working angels). Beings existing in the 12th dimension would be what are called “Archangels” – these are massive and broad energy sources that would be so far above our understanding that no direct communication is possible. It is, however, possible for beings of the lower angelic levels to make themselves known (or even upon occasion manifest themselves physically). It is likely that those channeling “Archangels” are more likely communicating with 9th or tenth-level emissaries of the highest realm – although this is putting a fine point on the matter…after all wisdom is wisdom no matter the conduit.

The point of all this is that, as individual souls, we have distinct forms in which we exist…but these are all parts of a congruent whole. And just as physical body issues can obviously affect our emotions and thoughts (and vice-versa), so it is that issues in our fifth (soul) dimensional form can affect the others (and again, vice-versa). Whatever negative or positive conditions exist in our upper-dimensional existence determines the degree of health we experience in our physical, emotional, and mental lives.

Within the practice of Soul Realignment, we work mainly in the fifth dimension. The clearing we perform removes any negativities from the record of our existence, negating the effects on all levels. That said, an important part of the clearing is the request that all learning experiences associated with the negativities be retained intact. Therefore, the lessons that we have learned through whatever situations lead to the acquisition of attachments, unjustified karma, loss of soul facets, etc. are not lost. In fact, those lessons become infinitely more clear once the “sludge” is removed that obscures them (the student finds it hard to study when he has a toothache!). Our very consciousness of the negativities and the lessons learned is extremely powerful both in making the lessons clear, and in illuminating exactly what our choices were in this life or past lives that lead to the negativities and the necessity of the lessons.

As stated, the basic Soul Realignment clearing works mostly “from the top down” – clearing soul-level flaws generally brings simultaneous and concurrent healing to the 3rd and fourth aspects of the client. However, the Level III practitioner becomes able to find and clear attachments and other problems that actually are rooted in the physical and mental/emotional bodies. For example, there are energetic beings that can literally attach to the physical body and can directly cause malfunction or depletion of bodily organs. We might also find programs or patterns that are strictly mental or emotional (many of them self-induced, by the way), or even corruptions to the Divine Soul Blueprint at any of the levels. These will, in the vast majority of cases, be reflected on the other levels of existence to one degree or another.

To summarize: the Soul Realignment modality of healing is not simply an exercise in spiritual curiosity, or an illumination of positive soul traits and origins (although this knowledge is incredibly empowering). It is an effective, powerful way to clear the way for individual spiritual evolution and the expression of the soul’s complete expression in the physical life. Once the soul has been cleared, the rest of the individual becomes cleared as well. As it is above, so it is below.

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.