As it is Above, So it is Below…and vice-versa

I often use my Facebook page to expose the insights I’m given – a truth unexpressed is less than helpful. Sometimes what I say is accepted by readers as is, sometimes not. It matters little; I would be exposing my truths whether they were being read and understood or not. The important thing is the utterance, the bringing of concepts into this reality. The bonus is that I often receive guidance as to just what truths are being given me that need to be exposed at any given time. It’s always the case that what I write turns out to have been written because someone needed it at that moment.

Recently a Facebook reader left a comment to the effect that “being” and “doing” are two different things. The basic concept of separation thus expressed, for me, points to a need to reinforce the idea of Oneness. Though our perceptions are necessarily limited to a few dimensions or “levels” of existence, it’s really All One Thing. Once that is understood, it’s not only a comfort but it becomes a very useful tool.

One of the most painful conditions one can encounter in this life is the idea that there is nothing beyond this physical dimension of being. The thought that when we die, we’re simply gone is a pretty scary thought…it condemns us to the concept that if we “fail” in the the 80-odd years we’re here, that’s it – no second chances. That’s pretty bleak.

This is why we seek. After the drive of wanting to make our lives better in the here and now, the craving for immortality is the second most common and important reason that people “wake up” and begin their search for answers.

This concept of ultimate oblivion is so painful because it’s not natural. It’s like living with one’s head separated from the rest of one’s body (which would likely be pretty painful, you must admit!). Each person’s inner wisdom knows that there’s more to us and to the rest of reality, but our ego (conscious mind) demands proof…and sometimes that can be like trying to nail Jello to the wall. The veil is thick for many of us.

Even the seeking itself can be painful, because we pine away for “proof” – and in many cases, it never comes because the ego will always be able to come up with reasons why the “proof” is never sufficient. We want a spirit or Archangel to appear before us and deliver the goods. Indeed, many times people work themselves into such a state that they believe that they’ve had such an experience. We need not place judgement on such beliefs…but neither do we need to take them as they are presented and accept them as our own basis for belief. If someone has manufactured a vision or some such for themselves, it frees them to move on to build a belief system around that experience. If the system is founded on sand, that will become apparent soon enough, because what serves you is what is “right” – and what doesn’t serve you shows up as such in short order .

In my opinion, the best way to re-connect the spiritual dimensions with the physical is by observation and close analysis of the internal and external indicators we all have; i.e., thoughts, emotions,
and actions
. Through such careful analysis, it soon becomes apparent that 1.) our beliefs and perceptions do indeed create our reality, and 2) that our reality in turn is an indication of what we are and what we believe. It works both ways.

Therefore, there is no difference between being and doing. What you are determines what you do. What you do determines what you are to an even greater extent. Why else would a soul, existing in an ethereal dimension where there is no pain or anxiety, incarnate into this reality? As discarnate entities, we exist. As incarnated souls, we learn through action; through living a life and learning the lessons inherent to this dimension of blood and stone, tears of pain and laughter, love, and fear, and physical death.. This is make-or-break time. We take a huge risk coming here, because in becoming persons we become liable to not only learning, but also to making mistakes that can set us back terribly. In fact, correcting these errors is a large part of the Soul Realignment process.

So: it’s true that we are not what we do. But what we do has a huge effect on who and what we are. When we use our free will to act, that energy is not only shaping our physical reality, but also molding our very soul. It therefore behooves us to be mindful of what we do, lest we distort what we are away from what we were meant to be.

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© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.