The Conformity of the Non-Conformist

One of the first things I realized (almost as soon as I had any conscious thoughts at all) was that I wasn’t like everyone else. I remember looking around me as a small child and thinking, “WTF?  What is this place?”  Or at least the baby equivalent of that.  🙂 Oh, I had a pretty good family.  My parents […]

Spiritual Awakening: So what?

We hear a lot these days about people “waking up”.  Waking up to their spirituality…to their potential…to the idea that what we see around us is not all there is to the universe. Often, this change in outlook is born of extreme pain.  We’ve tried everything we know of to get our lives on track…like […]

Labels and Book Covers

The way people label themselves has always fascinated me. For most of  us it starts at a very young age… even in middle school you have the cool kids, the rich kids, the jocks, the nerds.  Even the loners are a group…they just don’t congregate as such.   Most of the time we choose these labels for ourselves; sometimes […]

Phone Phobia: I Don’t Bite!

I was recently reminded of a phenomena that I’d best describe as “phone phobia“.  It’s an irrational fear of speaking with strangers on the telephone; the roots of this fear are deep and subtle, yet it appears that many people are subject to it to some degree or another. I know whereof I speak.  Growing up […]

What’s Really Holding You Back?

Many years ago when I was in high school, I was what was known as a “chronic underachiever”. My grades were terrible…I intensely disliked the social atmosphere in school, and the material and mind-numbing repetition of most courses bored me. In senior year, one morning my homeroom teacher gave me a file folder and told […]

True Authenticity – It’s All You

I believe that we are here to learn and grow, and in the process to work our way back to the Source from which we sprang.  Our very individuality is an illusion, but a purposeful one.  Our purpose, as tiny sparks flung off the Creative Fire of Source, is to experience creation as fully as possible and so provide the Creator […]

Are You Lazy?

Share on Facebook Like many of us, I come from a hardworking, blue collar background.  My parents and extended family pretty much busted their asses in postwar America to provide their children with the American Dream…and it paid off. After the second World War my Dad settled into construction work, eventually going into business for […]

Exercise Your Will

Share on Facebook When we are first introduced to the idea that we are truly the Divine Creators of our own experiences via the Law of Attraction, we soon learn that our thoughts and emotions are the engines by which we direct the circumstances of our physical lives.  We set an intention around what we […]

Pay Attention to Your Hot Buttons

Share on Facebook    Most of us have a few issues that, for whatever reason, really get us steamed.  Sometimes they’re very clear; and sometimes something will happen or someone will say something that just rubs us the wrong way, and we can feel that sick feeling of anger, sadness, resentment welling up in our […]

You Are Utterly Alone

Share on Facebook     When we experience periods of upset, uncontrolled change, “bad luck”, sadness, or any of the many  other flavors of what we see as pain, it’s comforting to think that there are people who are ready and willing to help.  We look to friends and family, healers, and spiritual teachers to “make us feel […]

© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.