Spiritual Awakening: So what?

We hear a lot these days about people “waking up”.  Waking up to their spirituality…to their potential…to the idea that what we see around us is not all there is to the universe. Often, this change in outlook is born of extreme pain.  We’ve tried everything we know of to get our lives on track…like […]

Labels and Book Covers

The way people label themselves has always fascinated me. For most of  us it starts at a very young age… even in middle school you have the cool kids, the rich kids, the jocks, the nerds.  Even the loners are a group…they just don’t congregate as such.   Most of the time we choose these labels for ourselves; sometimes […]

Letting Go of the Pain; Stop Slapping Yourself!

I recently had a few conversations that provided stark evidence of what happens when we choose to keep ourselves in the “comfort” zone of pain.  We can call this choice “subconscious”…but it’s really more properly an un-conscious reaction.  It’s conditioning,, and it continues simply because we don’t take the time to examine and become aware […]

Your Thoughts – The Bricks and Mortar of Your Life

When we begin to look for answers (especially in times of troubles), generally the topmost question we have is, “How did things get to be the way they are for me?”   Many of us go through a stage where we blame other people, luck, and a million other things for what’s around us.  But If we’re diligent […]

The New Idolatry

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, we are told (via the Ten Commandments) that “Ye shall have no other gods before me.”  Sounds simple enough…if one decides to subscribe to the “one true God” system of that and many other organized religions.  Obviously, having God say this also provides an easy solution to the problem of competition […]

What’s Really Holding You Back?

Many years ago when I was in high school, I was what was known as a “chronic underachiever”. My grades were terrible…I intensely disliked the social atmosphere in school, and the material and mind-numbing repetition of most courses bored me. In senior year, one morning my homeroom teacher gave me a file folder and told […]

Are You Lazy?

Share on Facebook Like many of us, I come from a hardworking, blue collar background.  My parents and extended family pretty much busted their asses in postwar America to provide their children with the American Dream…and it paid off. After the second World War my Dad settled into construction work, eventually going into business for […]

Unleashing The Beast

Share on Facebook      It seems like ages since I’ve written anything.  I could pass it off as laziness; or better yet, lack of inspiration.  But the truth is, I’ve known for some time that there was this thing I had to write about but didn’t want to.  Furthermore, I knew it had to be […]

Just What Is Negativity?

Share on Facebook      As I advance in my own understanding (and so am able to pass it on), I’m often subjected to clusters of information that come in around the same theme.  These may be from new people who show up, information from people I already have contact with, or situations to which my […]

Stewart, Bob, Filthy Lucre…and the Potty

Share on Facebook        As my readers may know, I have a Facebook “fan” page.  I don’t consider the people who hang out there to be my “fans” at all (that would feel a little weird to me), but many of the 400 or so subscribers seem to like what I have to say…most […]

© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.