Share on Facebook Like many of us, I come from a hardworking, blue collar background. My parents and extended family pretty much busted their asses in postwar America to provide their children with the American Dream…and it paid off. After the second World War my Dad settled into construction work, eventually going into business for […]
Unleashing The Beast
Share on Facebook It seems like ages since I’ve written anything. I could pass it off as laziness; or better yet, lack of inspiration. But the truth is, I’ve known for some time that there was this thing I had to write about but didn’t want to. Furthermore, I knew it had to be […]
Pay Attention to Your Hot Buttons
Share on Facebook Most of us have a few issues that, for whatever reason, really get us steamed. Sometimes they’re very clear; and sometimes something will happen or someone will say something that just rubs us the wrong way, and we can feel that sick feeling of anger, sadness, resentment welling up in our […]
You Are Utterly Alone
Share on Facebook When we experience periods of upset, uncontrolled change, “bad luck”, sadness, or any of the many other flavors of what we see as pain, it’s comforting to think that there are people who are ready and willing to help. We look to friends and family, healers, and spiritual teachers to “make us feel […]