It’s You, Not Them

Recently a pal of mine, Julie, wrote something about “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”   Got me thinking. Of course it’s a cliche’…but cliches become cliches for a reason: because as often as not they’re true. Those of us with “differently-enabled” loved ones in our lives become painfully aware of this truism.  Nothing […]

When the Clearing Doesn’t “Work”

  A large part of the work I do involves “energetic clearing”.  A lot of people nod knowingly when such things are spoken of.  But as with a lot of things, that’s just because otherwise they think they’ll appear to be stupid (hell, I’ve done it myself when faced with something I know little about). […]

Reincarnation and Mediumship: What Up?

When my spiritual “awakening” really kicked in and  I began to investigate this whole spirituality thing in earnest, I constantly looked for validations of what I was hearing, if not outright proof.  I had to remain a skeptic until my doubts had been satisfied – otherwise, my belief system would have been based on nothing (i my estimation, and […]

Your Life Purpose: To Live

  One of the most common questions I’m asked by a client is, “what is my Life Purpose?”.  My reply is usually, “What do you want to do?”, because that’s it.  Well, most of it anyhow. Look at it this way: the Creator was bored.  IT was All.  When there is only One point of […]

“I Think I Already Knew That”

As you can imagine, people consult with intuitives, psychics and energy workers for a wide variety of reasons.  Obviously, the common thread is that they want help with things that they haven’t been able to do anything about through other means.  Intuitive work is the red-headed stepchild of the healing arts world; after psychotherapy and medicine don’t produce the results they […]

Who’s Right? Does it Really Matter?

The other day I read yet another blog post by someone who works in the intuitive/spiritual field calling “bullshit” on some details of spiritual knowledge or another.  I don’t really remember exactly what it was…  I think it was about “soul groups” and negative souls…stuff like that. I must admit that in the past I’ve been guilty […]

The Conformity of the Non-Conformist

One of the first things I realized (almost as soon as I had any conscious thoughts at all) was that I wasn’t like everyone else. I remember looking around me as a small child and thinking, “WTF?  What is this place?”  Or at least the baby equivalent of that.  🙂 Oh, I had a pretty good family.  My parents […]

Spiritual Awakening: So what?

We hear a lot these days about people “waking up”.  Waking up to their spirituality…to their potential…to the idea that what we see around us is not all there is to the universe. Often, this change in outlook is born of extreme pain.  We’ve tried everything we know of to get our lives on track…like […]

The Difference Between “Need” and “Want”

A very nice lady recently posted a comment on my Facebook page to the effect that she doesn’t always have what she wants, but she always has what she needs – and is satisfied with that. Fair enough – sounds like a peaceful way to live.  But it got the wheels a-turning in my head; something didn’t […]

The New Idolatry

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, we are told (via the Ten Commandments) that “Ye shall have no other gods before me.”  Sounds simple enough…if one decides to subscribe to the “one true God” system of that and many other organized religions.  Obviously, having God say this also provides an easy solution to the problem of competition […]

© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.