Three Realizations That Changed Everything

  I use myself as an example a lot when I’m teaching. Naturally I know myself as well as anyone, and have been witness to what was silently going on in the background. I’ve  picked myself apart numerous times, and I’ve found that no matter how different we all are, there are certain principles that […]

Pardon Me, But Haven’t We Met Before?

  Soul groups? There’s a lot of information and speculation out there around the topic of “soul groups”. As in anything along spiritual lines, there is no right or wrong, per se. One can’t positively “prove” any of the information, except to oneself. But you can work through  the available concepts and see what makes […]

Are You Wasting Your Time?

    One of my favorite concepts is that nothing is ever wasted. Usually I’m referring to life experiences. It all adds up to something, always. What’s here now would be impossible without what came before. That’s just the way it works in our particular system. But yeah, things sure can look wasted. And sometimes […]

Faith and Doubt – Two Sides, Same Coin

  A Personal Lesson Story… The lessons go on and on… the only things that change as we grow are the magnitude and speed at which they show up. This week I was prompted to move my practice to another level.  Over the years I’ve tried a whole big buttload of different formats; half-hour and […]

Spiritual Awakening: Sooner, or Later?

    There’s an old saying that there are no atheists in foxholes.  In other words, in desperate  times when it looks like there is no other way out, most people will finally turn to a Higher Power for help as a last resort. I suppose that’s true in 99% of cases.  I’m sure that there […]

The Most Important Life Lesson

  I’m pretty sure (err… well I know, actually) that the biggest reason we come here is to learn.  We learn more quickly here in 3D than in whatever other astrals or dimensions or states of being our souls inhabit.  That’s because it’s thick here; thick with experiences and resistance and contrast.  Birth is like strapping on the […]

Life Mission vs. Life Purpose

  You hear a lot these days about Life Purpose.  I’ve written about it several times myself because it’s an interesting topic… and because I think that the term has been overused and some strange ideas have coagulated around it.   Let’s Get (meta)physical… It’s not nitpicking to define the word “purpose” clearly here.  In […]

Are You a Proud Sufferer?

  Sometimes we cling to the strangest things… including some weird and destructive ideas about ourselves that can be self-fulfilling. The most common of these is the pride that many of us take in our past suffering.  I’ve done it myself many times, and so have you.  There’s probably only a 50/50 chance that you’re […]

Who Are You, Really?

As we go through life handing the bumps and bruises that we all get a taste of, there’s a learning curve.  Of course, the very way that we do handle that stuff determines how tough it’s going to get.  Learn the lesson, it gets easier.   Keep doing the same stuff, and the lesson continues until we […]

Do You Have a Soul Mate?

  Short answer, no. Now, since I know that’s going to leave some people scratching their heads  (and more than a few more than a little pissed), allow me to elucidate.  🙂 Contracts vs. free will… The prime gift that we have in this Earth school is free will – not all systems work that […]

© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.