The other day I read yet another blog post by someone who works in the intuitive/spiritual field calling “bullshit” on some details of spiritual knowledge or another. I don’t really remember exactly what it was… I think it was about “soul groups” and negative souls…stuff like that.
I must admit that in the past I’ve been guilty of this kind of thing myself. When you first get into thinking about spirit and how the Universe works, you do need to finally settle on some kind of firm belief system. It’s just the way our minds are wired. We want to think that if A = B, then surely C must equal D. Things need to be rational, in some kind of orderly arrangement so we can comprehend.
As I recall, one objection presented in this particular article was that in some frameworks, only 20 or so “soul groups” – which in this case was referring to the physical place in the Universe where souls can originate and thus carry particular traits – exist. The writer protested that surely there must be more than 20 or so civilizations out there where souls incarnate. Fair enough. Science says that the possibilities for habitable planets are in the hundreds of thousands.
But, as far as I know, nobody ever stipulated that there are only 20 possibilities. There are that many soul groups identified in some intuitive modalities…but in no case has anyone said that those are the only possibilities…just that those are the most common ones that happen to come to Earth to incarnate. If an intuitive happens to come up with a “new” one, that’s cool…and that openness is even taught in some of the frameworks that deal with such things. But sometimes we want to be “right”…to have an answer that makes some kind of sense to our limited human faculties. But the key word there is “limited”. The Universe is…un-limited. We’re dealing with the realm of not only the “is”, but also with the “could be”, the “might be” and the “will be”. (And sometimes we’re just looking for something to trash to show how “outrageous” and no-nonsense we are.)
Not only that: throw in the concept that as tiny bits of Creator Consciousness we are literally the creators of our reality, and you have one hot mess that a puny mass of grey matter that you call a brain just can’t get around.
If our thoughts and energies do create reality, then it’s all of reality. And that creation takes place first in our imaginations. Whatever we can imagine can, theoretically at least, be true. In that case, there are as many “realities”, as many Universes as there are beings to imagine them.
We share parts of reality through co-creation and the mass consciousness. It wouldn’t be possible to have an orderly, workable physical reality otherwise. But beyond that, we’re free to create whatever we want.
In your reality, maybe Christ did die on the cross and suffer so that you can be redeemed. In someone else’s, maybe it’s Buddha’s way or the highway. Or in my reality, maybe the Flying Spaghetti Monster rules the world and farts pixie dust. We create the world that we want to live in…or the one that somebody else tells us to. (Pity, that.)
Anyhow…it doesn’t pay to argue about things that are sooo subject to individual perception and interpretation. You might as well piss into the wind. As soon as you decide that someone else is “wrong”, that means that you then need to be “right”. That’s a hell of a burden. And eventually, somebody’s going to come along and ask you to prove why you’re right; as Ralph Kramden of The Honeymooners might say, “hummina-hummina-hummina…”.
Look: in spiritual healing terms, whether I call it an “attached entity” or you call it a “past-life attachment” or someone else calls it a neurosis…doesn’t matter. The important thing becoming aware of the energy…the flavor of what a concept brings, and what it will take for you to alleviate it. If dancing naked in the moonlight works for you, great. If reciting a prayer ritual is what calls forth your own healing power, so be it. It’s the result that counts, and that’s the only thing that counts. Arguing the details as being better or worse for everyone is silly and unproductive.
As you progress in your spiritual evolution and personal development, look forward to that stage when you’ll completely rid yourself of the need to be right. Even worrying about how “evolved” you are is a pretty good indication that you’re not all that evolved, frankly. Get over yourself and your need to “know”. That’s when the deeper knowing begins.
Yeah, Stacie – it’s like the blind men and the elephant. Same thing, different perspectives.
Thanks for commenting.![🙂](
Good points and I enjoyed reading your thoughts on it very much! I guess for me it’s nature based and how things feel, some times I just know without knowing how I know… but for all of it there isn’t much point questioning it to pieces. I can come up with a million questions with out finding answers, some times just the knowing or “feel” needs to be enough.
Hi Tamara,
Yet another way of looking at it would be that it’s not an either/or thing. As your perspective becomes deeper and wider you may see that reading body language and reading energy are just different tools to do the same thing.
Yes, we all have different views and they are incomplete because of the multitude of ‘realities’ that can exist. By being willing to shift our viewpoint to another’s reality we can see behind our problems and find new solutions.
For myself I’ve been exploring psychic abilities such as empathy over the last year. As I’ve done this I can see two interpretations, one where I am able to read other people using physical senses, similar to cold readings. The other interpretation is that I can pick up energy from another person and I absorb it and feel the emotions. Both are explanations but by exploring the second view I have found ways to deal with strong emotions of the people around me. I realize it is not a typical view but it is one that works for me and has helped me to find ways to keep from being depressed. The other view point, of just reading other people’s body language, didn’t help me. I needed to shift and see things from another angle. This allowed me to explore meditations and tasks that help me cope with people around me.
Well, at least now I know what it takes to provoke long-time readers to comment.![😉](
The rest of the story is that past the “deep knowing” is the land where there’s nothing to know. I’ve been there once, a long time ago. Knowing implies the recognition of that which is outside, and if there is no outside or inside, there’s nothing to know.
Classic archetypes are useful. I occasionally find one that’s blocked or corrupted.
Hi Michael,
That was me! I’m so honored my post got your attention. I’m a long time reader of your blog.
The point I was trying to make in that article was exactly YOUR point. What I was arguing was that I’m not “completely sold” on the idea of soul groups, but they seem to work. I actually dowse the Akashic Records against those 20+ soul groups and I get extremely accurate readings doing so. A few people in the comments interpreted that as BS, and I totally disagree with them. Those soul groups are really the basis for many of my readings.
So many people take things so literally, when it would benefit them more to take a look at what’s going on in their lives and see how they can make improvements. This was my attempt at getting people to use discernment on “what they know” and see if it’s still working for them. I wanted to get people to look outside of the dogma. I actually do another style of reading with archetypes from “Messages from Michael” and they are also very accurate. I think archetypes are more a tool that Spirit uses to “speak our language” so to speak. My point really was “Who’s right, does it matter?”—as long as it works.
I’ll write a followup post to include some of your points. I think you and I probably have a lot in common![🙂](
– AJ
Hi Kara.
It’s like the blind men and the elephant…everybody’s describing the same thing. Fussing over details is ridiculous. It’s All One Thing.
And when it comes to doing some kind of intuitive work or healing, when you always work with the Highest Good of All in mind, what you’ll get is what’s best for the All…and that can look vastly different at different times.
Thanks for the comment.
Hi Micheal,
I agree with you. My “training” (I didn’t realize I was training at the time) was by way of the shamanic version of the world, which is very nature-based. So where I mostly see “power animals”, many other intuitives see “guides” in human form. Do these two concepts “feel” the same vibrationally? They do to me. Do I get a bunch of information from both that helps individuals with what is in their best interests? Yes.
So, while sometimes it drives my intellectual mind crazy about why I see animal forms, and someone else sees human forms, I’m mostly OK with it. I’m trying to fully embrace the fact that all intuitives have different skills for different reasons. I not sure there can even be a totally right way or wrong way, as those words are really only human labels. Things just are – as there is lower energy and higher energy – both have their reasons for existing. I think as long as the proper intentions are set, the vibration is high, discernment is used, and the information resonates, that it is ALL good.