The Adaptable Paradise

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Quite often, my guides will give me a tidbit of information in the form of a few words, and then let me take it from there.   Actually it’s probably that way for most of us…our intuitive guidance doesn’t get immediately downloaded in book form, but in soundbites that are meant to make us interpret them in the uniue way that only we each can.  Once we begin the interpretation, it’s a collaborative effort as our conscious, subconscious and Higher Self flesh out the lesson we’re being given.  So it is with this particular post, the title of which was ringing in my ears as I woke up one morning.

The lesson that developed this time has to do with our expectations.

Time and again in my life, I’ve seen situations, things, people manifested into my life that either 1.) appeared to be meant to teach a lesson that was immediately apparent, or 2.) were the fulfilment of a certain desire or intention I’d made.; but as these things unfold over time, I often realize that they actually had nothing to do with my original assumptions.  And to complicate things further, often they are combined in one package so that it might appear that a desire is being fulfilled when in fact what was really needed (a lesson) is what arrived.

As a theoretical example, let’s say you’ve been setting your intention to have the perfect mate or companion come into your life.  You’ve done everything right; you set the firm intention; you surrender to the Universe and consciously trust that what’s in the highest good of all will come to be; you don’t obsess on the topic; and you work in a graceful way to make space to allow your desired outcome to manifest.  You go out, you speak to people, you remain open to allowing them to connect with you without any anxious expectations of what will be.

Finally, you meet a person who is perfect for you.  He or she appears to have all the strengths necessary to fill the voids where you might think you are lacking.  They are a neat freak who doesn’t mind cleaning up after you…or they are a bit sloppy in their lifestyle and give you a sense of purpose and satisfaction by allowing you to clean up after them.  They are funloving and sociable and take you out and teach you to have fun with groups of people…or they are quiet and introspective, and have a calming effect on you.  Perfect.

 But as the situation unfolds, you discover that all is not what it seems.  You discover that your perfect partner has a flaw that seems to be completely out of line with anything you could ever accept.  They turn out to have a fondness for getting high, which you abhor; or they begin to reveal unreasonable and unfounded jealousy; or perhaps after you’ve been together awhile you find out that they have no intentions of ever having chidren, while starting you own family has been a dream of yours for a long time.

What a disappointment!  Just when you thought your dreams had come true, you find there’s a seemingly insurmountable obstacle.  Why have you manifested such an imperfect situation?

It is at such crossroads where we find the lesson.  We are not meant to adapt or lower our expectations to fit what shows up in our lives; we’re meant to discover exactly what it is that we want, what’s really best for us and what will enable us to further our personal and spiritual development.  At such nodes of experience, we’re forced to look deeply inside and discern precisely who we are and where we want to go.

 Is the lesson that you should be careful what you ask for?  That’s a bit shallow, but could be appropriate depending on where you are on your path.  Should you stay with this person and try to show them by example the benefits of abstaining from mind-altering chemicals, or should you try it yourself to learn about it firsthand?  Is it really that important to you to have kids, or would it be in your highest path and purpose to instead spend the rest of your life with  a person who otherwise complements you perfectly in every way?  These aren’t easy decisions, and there’s really no way the “mind” can untangle all the permutations and combinations that might arise from any one decision.  By accessing our intuition for guidance, we can eliminate the “shoulds” and “woulds” and find the truth of what will ultimately lead to the wisdom we need in order to proceed to the next lesson.

Don’t take anything at face value.  On the other hand, don’t automatically ask “what’s the catch?” when something good shows up for you, because looking a gift horse in the mouth is not conducive to manifesting what you want.  There is no catch – but there’s often a hidden lesson and it’s up to us to find it.
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  1. This might be a little off topic but that’s how I feel right now about purchasing a vehicle I’m basically fighting what I so much desire to have I’m making all these excuses as to why I shouldn’t get it. I have told myself oh my insurance is going to be high, this is going to be my first car, I don’t want to get into an accident blah , blah, blah. One day , as I almost made it late to work, thank god I didn’t ( this new job frowns upon lateness)I said to myself why am I fighting what the universe is allowing me to get it is opening up opportunities for me to purchase the vehicle and it’s giving me reasons as to why I should get it so I should stop resisting and let it play itself out and let things flow. As people we often ask for things to manifest in our lives and when it manifest in our lives we either resist it or don’t want it which sends out mix messages to the universe.

  2. Glad you found some value, Gina. Most everything I write has to do with my own life (past or present). Because we are all One, it often applies to many other people.

    Change is constant and a given…the difference is in recognizing that, and being in control of it ourselves. And through it all, remember: fear not! 🙂

  3. oops, I typed too fast LOL! Meant to say… thanks for gently but firmly taking me on to the next level.

  4. Michael,

    Thank you so much for writing this. There is so much synchronicity with what is going on in my life specifically regarding my bf of 10 years, and with the questions and points that you just raised and discussed. Wow, I’m amazed! It’s like you were in my head with this blog. You just answered a question that I’ve been asking God, my Higher Self for weeks now. I “kinda” knew that this was response; however, I had been holding on to old paradigms of thinking, so it had been difficult to arrive at an answer that made sense to that old way of thinking. Thanks for gently but firmly taking onto the next level.

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.