
    “Synchronicity: is the experience of two or more events which are causally unrelated occurring together in a supposedly meaningful manner.116331In order to count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance”(Wiki)

    That’s the dry, straightforward definition as put forth by Carl Jung (who actually invented the term).  According to him, synchronous events reveal an underlying pattern, a conceptual framework which encompasses, but is larger than, any of the systems which display the synchronicity.  As you might infer from this, Jung is actually one of the fathers of  modern spiritual thought; for what framework could there be for the connectedness of unrelated events other than an unseen field or matrix such as a parallel fabric of reality – a spiritual plane?

    In the context I use, a “synchro” is a meaningful coincidence meant to teach us what we need to know at a particular point in time.  I won’t go so far as to say there are no coincidences; but I will say that I’m confident that there are very few.  Once you accept the interconnectedness of everything; every soul, every object, every circumstance and happening, it’s easy to imagine how synchonicities work.  Add to that the notion in  quantum physics of what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance”, and you are pulled deeper into the rabbit-hole of synchronicities and interconnectedness.  By the way, what good old Albert was somewhat disparagingly referring to was the idea that once two subatomic particles have been in contact, they always act the same, in unison, no matter how far seperated they are in space.  Don’t ask me to explain the physics, but there is experimental data backing this up.

    Back a few years ago when my spiritual development kicked into high gear, I began by researching the Zero Point field.  Again, I have not the scientific mind to put forth an adequate explanation here, but suffice it to say that the concept intrigued me on several levels and sent me in several new directions of seeking answers.  If you have an interest, I strongly suggest you do the same – Lynn McTaggert’s The Field is a good resource from a humanistic, spiritual perspective.  My reading about the ZPF allowed my still-skeptical mind to ease into the spiritual world by way of science (fringe-like though it may be in some circles).

    At any rate, as the idea of this interconnectedness began to permeate my awakening consciousness I began to look for proof.  I was certainly not going to take anyone’s word for it – after all, I wasn’t going to do what the Pope himself said, just because he said it!  That’s when the synchronicities began in earnest for me – once I asked for them.  Ask and ye shall receive;  you need to but make the utterance and it shall come to pass.

    One late summer’s afternoon, my wife and I were to meet my grown son at a movie theater to see the latest burn-and-slash sci-fi zombie extravaganza (I don’t even remember which movie it was).  As we waited in her somewhat-aged Cherokee, I idly looked down at the odometer and saw it said 17,617.6 miles.  Hmmm.  What’s this?  I got  a nudge. ( nudge-nudge)  Could it be?  All I could think was: Yes, it is!  I got the feeling “somebody” was saying: “Look here, fool.  We’ve put it there twice.  Take a hint!”

    I turned to my wife and said, “Listen, play 176 in the Daily Lottery when you go to the market later – OK?”  Being an obliging sort, she wrote it down (she writes everything down).  I told her to play it straight, meaning in exactly that order, which pays more than “boxing” the numbers where they can come up in any order.

    I was absolutely cetain that those numbers would be the lottery numbers that day (as it turns out, such certainty is crucial to manifestation of thought into the physical).  Well, of course the upshot was that those were indeed the lottery numbers (unfortunately my wife mistakenly boxed them, but the money won was the least of my concerns).  One might surmise that I had “clairvoyantly” foreseen the future, or some such – but of course to me this was a synchronicity of the most powerful kind, and exactly what I needed at that time in my development.  There was no subtlety about it, and no way was it a “coincidence”.  My Guides, my Higher Self, the Universe, the great Whoever had given me what I asked for in no uncertain terms.  Things are connected to other things; and not only that, but our minds can be the controlling factor.

   Here’s another that happened early on: I had discovered the psychic Mary Occhino, who has a four-hour show on Sirius (now XM as well) Radio.  Mary does on-the-spot readings for callers.  I was impressed by the many validations she got as feedback from her call-in listeners; by her down-to-earth attitude; and by her thick Brooklyn accent.  This was no etheric-sounding  woo-woo new age gal.

    One morning she was discussing the meanings of numbers in the context of synchronities and the nudges they can provide.  She specifically was talking about the 11:11 phenomena.  11:11 is being recognized as a signpost and perhaps a call to Lightworkers currently being awakened to their purpose here in this time and place.  You can Google 11:11 and get a lot of ideas, but that is what I feel is its primary significance.

    At any rate, this was the first I’d heard of it.  Mary’s analogy was that 11:11 looks like train tracks, and it means that one is on the right track.

    The show ended at the normal time that day: 11 am.  I got out of my vehicle and took a stroll around the construction site.  I knew lunch was some time off, but I was prompted to look at my cell phone to check anyway.  Much to my surprise…yes, as soon as I flipped open the phone, I was astonished to see that it was exactly 11:11 am, what Mary had just been discussing.

   Now, this is not quite as astonishing as the lottery-number thing, but still: to me, it had a lot of meaning.  One moment I am learning about the significance of 11:11, the next I am seeing11:11.  And that’s one thing about these lessons…many times they only have meaning to the one receving the message.  I guess that’s why it’s so hard to “convince” anyone else about this stuff (not that I have any interest in that anymore).  By necessity, the messages are extremely personal, addressing things deep in one’s own subconscious (or conscious) mind.  At any rate, for me this was a big one.  After that I began to see 11:11 with regularity.  Of course, that particualar time happens twice a day as it always has, and there could be some subconscious programming going on that causes me to glance at a clock at those particular times.  Regardless, every time it happens I am reminded of that first occurrance, and my faith in the spiritual and the idea that I am on the right track is reinforced.

   There have been many other signs and synchonicities for me, and I’ve heard from others of their own (I’d love to hear from readers of this blog on the topic!).  I’ll be writng about those in future posts.  It serves us well, if we are wanting to receive guidance from outside what our 5 senses or pure reasoning can provide, to begin to be mindful of  such non-random occurrances and to try to make sense of them.  Someone may be trying to tell us something!


  1. 🙂

  2. Mercedes R-L says

    Yes Yes Yes I was just saying to myself Michael should have a complete article about the meaning of seeing 11 and what do I bump into an article that is talking about it. On sunday I went out and I saw 11 on a young man’s T-shirt and I said,wow I am heading in the right direction in life that was a confirmation that was needed.

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.