Mental Health and Spirituality – Part I

The topic of mental health and its relationship with spirituality is quite a sticky wicket.  Just the fact that so much of spiritual belief and practice depends upon intensely personal and subjective thoughts and experiences makes it hard to draw a line between mental “illness” and the vivid spiritual experience.  Throw in the dogma attached to both the psychiatric/psychological fields and […]

What’s Really Holding You Back?

Many years ago when I was in high school, I was what was known as a “chronic underachiever”. My grades were terrible…I intensely disliked the social atmosphere in school, and the material and mind-numbing repetition of most courses bored me. In senior year, one morning my homeroom teacher gave me a file folder and told […]

Are You Lazy?

Share on Facebook Like many of us, I come from a hardworking, blue collar background.  My parents and extended family pretty much busted their asses in postwar America to provide their children with the American Dream…and it paid off. After the second World War my Dad settled into construction work, eventually going into business for […]

© 2008 - 2017 M.L. Pierich


Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.