When we begin to look for answers (especially in times of troubles), generally the topmost question we have is, “How did things get to be the way they are for me?” Many of us go through a stage where we blame other people, luck, and a million other things for what’s around us. But If we’re diligent and honest with ourselves and dig deeply enough, we can finally come to the realization that our attitudes, as expressed by our thoughts and emotions, are solely responsible for our circumstances.
One of my soul specialties as a Blueprinter involves a certain curiosity about the way this works. Part of the framework I use in my practice involves identifying the origins of individual souls (we all had to begin somewhere). The Blueprinter souls were charged with the design and implementation of this Earth school where we’ve all chosen to incarnate this time around. A part of this design, along with the gift of free will, was the concept of our ability to create our own reality through the use of thoughts, emotions, and of course, physical actions. Apparently, not all systems are like this; it is probable that there are worlds where it doesn’t work like that…perhaps where souls are grouped together so as to not have the capacity for individual free will or thought or action. But here, we do have that capability. The system isn’t flawless – as evidenced by the widespread proclivity of humans to use those gifts to make destructive and “negative” decisions. But it is extremely powerful when it comes to creating new experiences and learning life lessons – which of course is the whole purpose for the existence of the individual soul to begin with. In fact, it is the gift of Free Will that enables us to make “wrong” decisions…so it may not even be a flaw in the strictest sense. After all, if we all only made “right” decisions, where would be the learning and growth? It’s possible that a Happy Sunshine Place where all lives are perfect would be dull as hell, frankly.
But the topic at hand is the way that our thoughts create our physical reality.
The easiest way to understand this is to look at an easy-to-understand, obvious example. Say you want a job. You have a poor attitude about yourself; you don’t care about how you look, or you think that it’s none of anyone’s business how you choose to dress or how many piercings or tattoos you want to have. As a result of these thoughts, when you go to a job interview your appearance will do you in. “Fairness” doesn’t count – it is what it is and if the prospective employer doesn’t like nose rings, you’re screwed. And even if you dress nicely, your body language will project your attitude of self-deprecation, resentment, and lack of interest. So you go without the job, and that affects where and how you live, what you eat, what material possessions you have, and the opportunities available to you. No mystery there; your thoughts have created that reality for you in the most obvious way.
But of course, sometimes it’s not so obvious – at least to us. I know a man in his late sixties (proving that sometimes mere time does not lead to greater wisdom) who’s retired from the military after 40 years of “service”. He has a very poor attitude in some areas, especially about other people. Because of the nature of the military lifestyle, he’d lived all over the world at different assignments. He told me once that no matter where he went, he’d invariably been treated badly by co-workers and his superiors, making his life unfailingly unpleasant. He’d drawn the conclusion that they had all been “idiots” worthy only of his contempt.
Hello? No matter what your attitude might be about the military, is it likely that every single person that this guy had ever worked with was a malevolent “idiot”, intent only on making his life miserable? No…it was obviously his expectations that were showing up in the form of unpleasant experiences. You might think that this stunning display of a lack of self-awareness would be so blatant as to be rare. You would be wrong in that regard; yes, most cases are not quite this obvious – but nearly everyone has this blind spot when it comes to how their own specific thoughts are creating their reality, and that is what leads them to try and blame the Universe for their misfortune.
In my practice I often find and deal with what are called “thought forms”. In the world of woo-woo, these are considered actual “entities”. They are created by people as a result of repeated thoughts around a particular concept – repeated so often and so strongly that they take on a life of their own, and actually are possessed of a certain level of independent consciousness. If they are negative thought forms, they perpetuate negative energies in the one to whom they are attached because negative beings can only survive on “dark” energy. And so they’re self-perpetuating, feeding off the negativity they help to create.
Another, more conventional, way of thinking about these thought forms is the effect of conscious thought on the subconscious mind. Anything you repeat to yourself often enough becomes imprinted into your subconscious; and from that point onward, it becomes a constant and automatic part of how you think, feel and act. When a thought form is embedded in your subconscious (as I believe all are), you’re pretty much not aware of it unless you choose to put some effort into strenuous self-examination (or someone else points it out for you). Thus, as in the energetic description above, the thought form is self-perpetuating. It colors every thought and emotion (and thus action) with no conscious input required from you. If you have one of these nasty little things working behind the scenes constantly, there’s little chance of changing your external reality because you will always be influenced by the negativity. The reality you’re building is not yours…its the reality that the thought form wants. Really quite disempowering, no?
Aside from our creating our own “thought forms”, it’s also entirely possible for others to create them and direct them at us. If our parents have a poor attitude about us, they can create an energy of, say, poor self-esteem in us. The energy of low self-esteem is directed at us and eventually becomes attached to us and takes up residence in our repertoire of conscious or subconscious thoughts and emotions. It wouldn’t even be necessary for our parents to ever express the idea, or even for them to be conscious of it themselves. If the energy is there, given enough time it will have its effect.
The good news is that if we are diligent in our self-examination, we can root out these undesirable thoughts and do something about them – but it takes complete honesty…sometimes brutal honesty. It also takes believing in the basic fact that it is our own thoughts and emotions (and only our own thoughts and emotions) that build our circumstances. Of course, there are people like myself who can intuitively put a name to these thought forms, saving a lot of time and agony in the process. Many years can be spent in therapy trying to pinpoint these kinds of things; the skilled intuitive can find them in a few minutes. Of the hundreds of clients that I’ve served, I’ve never had one tell me that a thought form I found in them was bogus and didn’t apply. In addition, within my practice these can be cleared very quickly through conscious intention.
The even better news is that thought forms aren’t exclusively negative. In the same way that repeated negativity becomes a subconscious ongoing factor in our creative process, so a repeated positive thought will also take up residence. Although it sometimes appears that the negative thoughts are the easiest to maintain (which is simply a result of that being ingrained in us by the mass culture), the constant repetition of positive thoughts will eventually cause them to take up residence in our subconscious and begin to aid us in what it is that we wish to create. Now, that’s cool. It’s like having a tiny genius inside, constantly guiding us in a good direction with no effort on our part. But of course there is effort involved – the effort required to use our free will to not only root out the negativity, but to consciously aim our thoughts to a good place, the place we want to be.
One last word: a negative thought is a negative thought. As I recently posted on my Facebook page, there is no picking and choosing when it comes to negative vs. positive energy. You might do a lot of visualization about your perfect life and practice being grateful every moment of every day; but if you still harbor thoughts of jealously, excessive judgment, hate or envy or self-loathing… frankly, you’re just pissing into the wind, my friend. Consistency, equanimity, and confidence will get you where you want to go.
That’s good. It’s much easier to opt out of a negative thought when it begins, than to try to flip it after it’s taken hold – like putting out a little fire in a trash can before it becomes a full involved building on fire.
Personally, once I allow the bad stuff in, I just need to let it burn itself out – I had a teacher who naively said to “just be happy”. Ummm…I don’t think so. So the advantage of being conscious of this stuff is being able to nip it in the bud.
This is something that I knew was true yet had a very difficult time understanding and accepting. When I think back on all of the time and energy I’ve spent focused on worrying (all of which came to fruition), I can finally see that the thought can create the reality, It’s a bit difficult identifying what is a warning and what is self-perpetuating, so I’m spending a lot of time telling myself “cancel that” and stopping the thought before it’s even completely formed.
Absotively. When you think about it, what _else_ could create your life?
As for those other people…yes, at least half would be a good start. 🙂
Hi Michael,
I learned/ remembered the lesson that thoughts create our reality years ago. It really bothers me when people aren’t willing to at least take half of the credit for the misfortunes in their lives.
The more conscious I become of my circumstances the more I can see how my persistent thoughts and actions have created it.
Thanks Sallie.
As far as coolness goes…I guess. At least it’s interesting most of the time, and that’s the least we can ask of life.
I really like this article, Michael! :~) I have to say,you did an excellent job of describing how people feed into and recreate their own patterns of negativity in their lives. Well done! :~)
P.S. I didn’t know you were a Blueprinter… very cool! :~)
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