Why Do The Rich Get Richer?

     scrooge-mcduck-make-it-rainI’m sure we’ve all run across people who are more successful than we are, who enjoy a material lifestyle that we seemingly can only dream of.  But if we have an opportunity to look closer and take a good look at how they operate, we see that there appears to be no explanation for their self-made success.  In general, making judgements about people is a bad idea, but there’s no denying that a good number of these people just don’t seem to be very smart or sensitive; indeed, some of them are downright thick-headed.  When asked, most of them are unable to explain “how they did it”.  And on top of that, some of them appear to be jerks as well, going through life mistreating the people around them with impunity.  So we scratch our heads and decide it’s just dumb luck, or that they have some crafty animal instinct for acquiring material wealth.

     I was recently given a bit of insight that might help clear up this mystery.

    Even a cursory study of the Law of Attraction reveals that not only do our intended vibrations attract similar, reflective circumstances into our lives, but that the fewer limiting beliefs we hold, the faster and more powerfully will those intentions manifest themselves.

    It has become clear to me that in the case of the “rich jerks” we see around us, they are in fact born manifesters.  They need not purposely make specific intentions because they constantly hold a natural sense of entitlement.  It simply never occurs to them that they might not be entitled to whatever they want, when they want it.   They take for granted that they’ll get what they want, and so they do.  This is very powerful.

    One reason this is so hard for the more aware among us to grasp is that we’re brought up with the limiting ideas that “goodness” is rewarded and “badness” punished.  But the power of our vibrations in the basic state is neutral.  Ask and ye shall receive.  Period.  Constantly “ask” (however unconsciously) and constantly receive.  It’s extremely hard for most of us to accept this, but it’s true.  That said, the very fact that the people in question have chosen to incarnate into a physical body at this time tells us that there is some part of them having nothing to do with material comfort that is lacking, and they have their own lessons to learn in other areas.

    So, no matter how we feel about the “rich jerk”‘s behavior, lack of empathy, or apparent stupidity, instead of feeling envy we would do well to study them and emulate the part of them that takes for granted that we don’t need to earn or deserve what we want, but that as Divine creators we only need to expect what we want, without qualification or reservation.  Remember that you can learn something from anyone, even (sometimes especially) from a jerk. 🙂


  1. Hi Ginger. It sounds as though you have in place a lot of what it takes already.

    I would say it’s likely that you have limiting beliefs specifically around your ability to do well in the field you really want to do that aren’t there with the catering. Make sense?

    As well, abundance isn’t just about money…it’s about having an abundance of time and other satisfying things. If you believe you must work a lot to have abundance, then you will.

    We’re all in the same boat. If I myself were good at manifesting abundance, I’d be teaching that. But for now, I’ll stick to trying to help people to express themselves authentically and helping to expunge the blocks to their advancement. In the meantime, I also work on my own stuff, as should we all and as all teachers (the honest ones, at least) will freely admit.

    Even ol’ Abraham (-Hicks) himself says this stuff takes practice and effort. The more often and powerfully we can use positive emotion to push our intentions way out there, the better it’ll work.

    As for the “entitled few” – yep, some of them caused havoc for other people, but it’s not like there’s a limited amount of abundance. We can all have it. And maybe some of them were born into it, but it’s more likely nurture than nature. Lots of rich scions end up penniless; but if a poor kid is luckily born to a mother or father who either “spoils” them or otherwise imbues a sense of entitlement, those are the ones who are likely to do well just because they expect to.

  2. Thanks Bria, I’ll check it out.

  3. Well said. I know everything you said is true, but I have not been able to transcend knowing this only intellectually, theoretically. I come from a working class background, so not “working” for a living is a hard concept to overcome. However, I am working on it (pun intended). Seriously, though… What I find especially aggravating about some of those entitled few, is that many were simply born that way. So, the fact that they “chose that reality” and I didn’t may be a bit overwhelming for me, at times. Another issue is this: that “entitlement” philosophy that many adhere to can be destructve, as we have seen in the recent Wall Street calamity. Those folks could surely use a few courses in ethics and morals. Not to mention, basic empathy and wisdom that we are indeed, ONE, and that what we do unto others really does come back to us. For some, their unbridled sense of entitlemet has turned into unstoppable greed, and it continues. The entire world was adversely affected by them while they sit back and bask in their entitlement, and crave more.

    Perhaps, they can learn a thing or two from the great Teachers/Masters that came to impart their wisdom of peace and love to us… Love one another… yes, you are your brother’s keeper… you reap what you sow… Or, they –and we can learn a thing or two from the Kennedys. The latest generation were born into privilege and wealth, but they balance it with true service to their fellow human in their community, the country, and the planet.

    As for making a great living, and fully enjoying life without having to be conerned about money, I am fully on board with that! Currently, I have more business than I can keep up with (catering), and that is a good thing. I believe that is because I love what I am doing, and I bless it, and all those that I come in contact with — my clients. I bless my clients. I bless the food when I cook it, and send out vibes of love. I also have been blessing their money when I receive it, because I know that it is an exchange of their energy — monergy. But, now, I seem to be short on personal time, and I don’t want to exchange my time for money. Nor, do want to exchange it for my real intentions.

    Now, if only I can learn to do that same thing w/catering and parlay it into the field that I studied in, and the thing that makes me REALLY happy too — political organization, management and public servie. 🙂 LOA says, “Be” and then you will receive, instead of “Do” and then you will be and/or have. Change your inside: heart, mind, feelings, and the rest of your reality will follow.

  4. Hi Michael- I like your article above and your references to our spirituality and law of attraction. In fact, on my free call, Sept 22 about how to create your own Premier Signature System to add 6-figures to your business (see below) I talk a bit about the Law of Attraction and how it can best serve you.

    In case you missed my response to you on solo-e about how to find the right mentor- here it is again-
    “I recommend you do a bit of research, no way around that- look for a skilled mentor who shares similar values and is where you want to be. Then, trust your instinct. In my upcoming free Sept 22 teleclass- I share my values and a lot of rich content about how you can add 6-figures to your business, so you can enjoy freedom and lifestyle luxury. I’d love to “see” you there http://www.briasimpson.com/makremoremoney.html.”

    Warmly, Bria Simpson
    Business and Marketing Mentor for Soulful Entrepreneurs

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