Lightworker/Darkworker – Bullshit

devil+and+angel+2There’s a lot of stuff going around these days in the spiritual community about Lightworkers and “Darkworkers”.  Most of it is, as today’s title states, bullshit.

The definition of a Lightworker is easy…you do no harm, you work and play ethically, you follow the Golden Rule.  If you’re an ambitious Lightworker, your main thrust is always toward the highest good of all.  You engage in work that explicitly advances mankind and Spirit – you’re a teacher or an environmentalist or a social activist, or whatever you can do best that contributes to the good of all.  Or, maybe you don’t do much externally but you lead a good, conscious life.

The prevailing definition of a “darkworker”  says that instead of looking outward and striving to reach enlightenment “out there”, one looks inward, loves one’s self, aims for personal excellence and achievement, etc. and strives constantly for personal gain.  Hello?  The reason this definition is bullshit is that none of those things are out of alignment with being a Lightworker.  When one of us advances, we all advance.  Any improvement in an individual life adds to all of us, because we are all One.  You must love yourself and be in alignment with the energy stream of Divine Love before you can love anyone or anything else.  So just because you might not go out and save baby seals, but instead stay home and enjoy a nice meal and feel good about it…sorry, you’re not a “Darkworker”.

There’s also the idea out there that one must “polaraize” as either a Lightworker or one of these fictional “darkworkers”; that in order to master one’s reality, one must focus entirely outwardly or inwardly.  Again – need I say it? – bullshit!  You can create your own reality in your own way and in all ways.  The possibilities are, for our purposes, infinite.  So if you listen to any of the several selfstyled gurus who want you to take this “path” or that, you’re not going to be able to take advantage of the limitless ways and means, the abundance and spiritual advancement that’s all part of the neverending flow from Source.

Now, I  hasten to add that there most certainly are positive and negative souls, and that’s a different distinction altogether.  Negative souls have chosen to work without Light; not necessarily against Light, but these beings (whether incarnated or not) have turned away from Source and Spirit and do not advance spiritually.  They are also weak in the face of knowledge, because they have no power source except for whatever negativity they can generate and parasitically siphon off.  When they are recognized for what they are by the beings on whom they depend for “dark energy”, they lose that power source.  So screw them.

Most people waver in their positivity.  We are good souls and on a path of advancement, but occasionally one of the negative entities floating about sees an opportunity, whispers in our ear that there’s an easier way, or that we’re not good enough, or that life really does suck doorknobs…and before you know it we’ve got a buddy stuck to us, happily sucking up our vital energy and stinking up the place.  This is a large source of the blocks and restrictions that are cleared during a soul realignment.  So they’re probably actually a good thing, because if not for those kinds of situations I wouldn’t have any clients!

Just kidding!   🙂

At any rate, it pays to be careful when you think about these definitions.  When it comes to negative souls, we don’t really judge them because free will is Rule Number One, and if they’ve chosen not to work with Light, that’s their business.  But we certainly don’t have to deal with them, and it’s best not to.  Also, if you’ve taken a shine to that bogus “darkworker” thing, you might want to think about what vibrations you’re putting out.  Just thinking of one’s self in a connotation like that could tend to attract negative energy to you; the nasties will come around like moths to a flame.

If you’re wondering whether or not you’re a negative soul…relax.  The fact that you’re bothering to read this blog is proof that you’re not.  In fact, the reason that we soul realignment practitioners don’t know a lot of details about negative souls (nor do we need to) is that they never present themselves for a clearing, unless a clearing is requested by a friend or relative.  And even in those cases, we aren’t allowed access to their Akashic Record beyond discovering what they really are; they ‘re not having it.  Suits me.

You know what’s right.  Your intuition tells you so… you don’t need a church or a guru to tell you.  Trust yourself, follow your inner compass, and add to the power of Light in the world.  We need you.


  1. Hi Elisabeth,

    Thanks for your comment.

    I agree that in a purely human sense, _most_ people have a light and a dark side… but hopefully the light side is the controlling factor.

    However, darkness, evil, negativity… this is a real energy. If you just look around the world, you can’t deny that.

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.