Spiritual Growth is Always Fearless and Joyful

…not.  🙂

I see a lot of things written about how to reach a state of “bliss”, “true enlightenment”…on and on.  Most of it is poppycock.

We choose to come into this physical world, this Earth School, in order to advance our souls and express and improve upon our gifts in a third-dimensional reality.  This requires effort, and part of that effort is in dealing with the very human emotions and mental limitations inherent to this human form we take on.

When I hear someone say that the spiritual path is effortless and joyful, it makes me doubt that they are still seeking to advance.  Unless you’re already fully enlightened (and none of us are), you’ve still got work to do.

Negativity plays an important role in all this.  Now, I’m not talking about the negative attachments, blocks and restrictions that we clear when we do a Soul Realignment.  Those are effectively outside influences that are not truly part of us – that’s why they can be gotten rid of.

But spiritual growth requires stepping outside our comfort zones, always.  That means we are going to be uncomfortable, no?  And remember, a comfort zone isn’t necessarily pleasant; if we’re used to being depressed all the time, for instance: when we try to move out of that pattern, our mental/emotional bodies are going to throw up red flags saying “this is not safe!  This is unknown territory!”.  Well, screw them.  They’re the parts that make us feel depressed about being depressed, for example  :).  Now that’s crazy.

So we get uncomfortable; we have doubts about ourselves, about what we think we know, what we read, what we believe…I know in my case sometimes it can become extremely painful.  But (and I’m no masoschist), it’s all good!  Because if you accept everything without question, nothing has any value.  If you’re cock-sure you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread, then you’re done.  Nothing further is necessary and you’ll stay where you are.  It’s internal questioning that pushes us onward.

As well, it’s hard to learn the lessons while the pain is taking place.  the best way to handle these times is to acknowledge the negativity, observe it, feel it fully, and let it run its course.  Then afterward, you can calmly ask yoursefl what it was all about and what lesson you might draw from it.  There’s little to be gained in fighting it because your mind is not in a receptive mode – all you want is relief and any learning will be rejected, missed or ignored.

So…the next time the darkness falls, try accepting it for what it is: a blessing in disguise.  It really is true that you’re not given a task you can’t handle, so hold the facts (not the feelings) of the pain and file them away to be studied tomorrow.  There’s a lot there to learn.


  1. Hi Mercedes!

    How to stop “being” negative? If you mean, how to stop complaining and expecting the worst, the answer is to simply stop doing it. If you accept the idea that “like attracts like”, it’s easy to see why we should not hold negative energies, because we’ll just get more of the same.

    Even if you mistakenly think things happen “to” you (instead of because of you, which is the way it really is), try looking at it this way: A bad thing happens. Whether you think it was your fault or not, it’s happened. There’s no way to make it “un-happen”. So what is going to serve you best: continuing on and on to feel bad and fret about it constantly, or to try and figure out how to stop it (and other bad things) from happening again. Does feeling badly serve any purpose at all? No! So why do it?

    Feeling negative, as I have written several times, is going to happen to everyone – it’s part of being human. The way to handle it is to acknowledge that, yes, you feel bad right now, and maybe there’s a good reason for it. But after a short time, you want to realize that staying that way is nor going to serve any purpose at all.

    My favorite trick is as often as possibl, to not think about what happened in the past, nor what might happen tomorrow, but to pay attention to what’s right in front of you. This is called “being present”. It really helps, becasue guess what: yesterday and tomorrow don’t exist except in your imagination. The only thing that’s real is right now, this moment. So if you focus on the now, all that worry goes away.


  2. Mercedes Romero-Lino says

    Most people cannot accept the dark times in their life, so in my opinion, I believe anything can make you and anything can break you. All it takes is one thing or a couple of things to go wrong to make you strong or to make you weak. For instance, someone who loses their house I don’t know if he/she can take it in and embrace it and say to himself/herself what can I learn from this experience. Well, what I am trying to say is how can a negative person stop being negative?

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.