Happy Appreciation Day

Every year here in the U.S. we set aside a day in November to celebrate abundance…and, we’re told, to give thanks for that abundance.  Our political and religious leaders admonish us to pray and express gratitude for what we have in life.  But exactly who or what is it that we’re thanking?

It’s easy to say that God provides everything for us, and thus we should thank Him for our abundance.  But if you’re one who has evolved spiritually to the point there you can see that we are all tiny bits of God…is it right to thank the Big Guy in the Sky for raining down the good life for us?  What then becomes of our own innate divinity…our power to create the world we want?  Are we, by thanking a remote and all-powerful Creator (loving and personal as we may see Him), giving away our power?

I think so.  I think that by bowing our heads and humbly thanking God for our lives is indeed disempowering to us…not in an obvious sense or in a particularly destructive way; but it does subtly promulgate and promote the idea that we are completely dependent on some outside force in order to have what we need and want.  Really?

Ironically, as part of this thanksgiving process, we “praise” God.  Hmmm…I think that the collective Creator Consciousness in its largest sense and most pure form already knows that It/He/She… is pretty cool.  God doesn’t blush and say “Aw, shucks”.  If there is a reaction, it’s probably one of indifference, when it comes to our falling on our knees in adoration.

So, do we then just take our abundance for granted?  Nope.  Action, and a certain mindset and energetic set point are appropriate when it comes to thinking about the good things we have.  You will continue to manifest (reveal) that to which you direct your attention…therefore, acknowledging our abundance frequently has the effect of propagating it.  But thankfulness is not quite the right energy, if it’s directed at some outside force.

The most appropriate way to acknowledge what we have, while not giving away our power of creation, is to hold an attitude of appreciation.  But again, we need to be mindful even of the character of this energy, too.  Some might equate appreciation with gratitude; i.e., “I appreciate what you’ve done for me.”  In that case, we’re back to the energy of gratitude to some other who is providing for us.  No, the kind of appreciation we’re talking about here is defined as, “clear perception or recognition, especially of aestheticquality: as in a course in art appreciation“; or, “the act of estimating the qualities of things and giving them their proper value.” In other words, appreciation is simply acknowledging the value of what we have…and indeed, it’s the acknowledgment that the good that we have exists at all.  The opposite of this would be continually focusing on what we don’t have…which of course will produce a lot more of “don’t have-ing” for us.

Again ironically, when it comes to the day set aside for Thanksgiving, most people are unconsciously already getting it right.  Although by custom many sit down to the table that day and participate for one minute in a formal prayer to God in thanks for the bounty, the rest of the day they’re really appreciating.  That is to say, they’re enjoying the food, the warm family relationships, the fun and general good feelings.  Just enjoying…and energetically, by simply enjoying, they’re appreciating.  Of course, you might see someone who is complaining that the turkey’s too dry, the stuffing’s too wet, and the kids are too noisy.  In those cases, they too are unfortunately getting what they acknowledge and “appreciate”.

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One last thought: many of us may find ourselves in a position where it seems tough to show appreciation.  You may be “celebrating” Thanksgiving alone at home in a strange city with a frozen pizza; or perhaps you even find yourself homeless with only what’s on your back and maybe a handout from the local soup kitchen.  I’m here to tell you that even in the hardest of circumstances, there’s always something to appreciate.  You have yourself.  You have the clothes on your back, and if you take advantage of them there are people around you who will help you with what they can.  You need to appreciate even the smallest of good things, because that’s the only way to insure that more good things will be revealed.  Accept help when it’s offered; take action when even the smallest opportunity presents itself; appreciate that your heart beats and your lungs breathe and that no matter where your body finds itself, your Divine Soul exists in a place of infinite abundance and is only waiting for you to recognize that.



  1. Hi Michael, thanks for your comment.

    You simply need to exercise the one gift that we all have: free will. It is your will that will allow you to turn your focus from lack to abundance. You can’t wait for some time in the future when you’ll “feel better”…you need to just feel better about where you are right now.

    Your subconscious is what controls your reality – but your conscious mind is what programs the subconscious. If you program your subconscious by observing what’s around you and deciding that it’s lacking, then your subconscious will take your word for it and continue to produce that reality. However, if you see abundance and use that as the program, then _that_ will be true. You’re in control. But you do need to take responsibility for what you’re created so far.

    The most important thing that we create with our thoughts is…ourselves. If you _truly_ see yourself as successful, creative, worthy of love and confident (and with “charm, good looks, talents, etc”), then that’s what you will be. There’s a certain degree of truth to the saying, “fake it til you make it.” Just try to smile and see if you can feel bad at the same time. It’s like that.

    Bless you, my friend. Bottom line: never give up.

  2. Michael;
    from another michael: thank you…I liked this more pointed perpective as I have often wondered why Fod really needs to be thanked for anything, if there is indeed a God in the way we have, most of us, anyhow, been raised to percieve….you know, the white male figure up in the sky and apart from us, not a part OF US…eek… So I find myself saying “I am grateful for” or “I am thankful ” for things instead, ‘cuz I’ve always wondered who the You was in ‘Thank You”, especially when directed at God…
    But my heart is stuck: I know I have much to be grateful for, even though I am in a lot of debt and seemingly just wandering around the planet shying every day away from who I know (?) I am truly supposed to be (actually I dont even know that anymore, I’ve lost interest in much, and appear to be just bangin along….reacting to things, not creating, because I dont trust that the Universe/God will respond. “Ask and ye shall receive…”, “The Lord is My Sheperd…” “I yearn for deep connection with The/My Divine”… meet mostly with silence….. Not always, Thank God! But….it is hard for me to feel appreciation for anything when I say to myself “You are 45, half of your life is over, and you still dont know where you are going, you barely make any money, no one your age (woman) wants a guy like you despite your charm, good looks, talents, etc” ….How do I start to feel appreciation-or anything- when I have gone partially numb? Will gratitude, even if not truly felt, work to free me?

  3. BTW, I’m often reminded of this extremely snarky (but funny and true) piece by Monty Python – you may enjoy it…


  4. Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for taking the time to comment and adding your wisdom to the discussion…and a happy Appreciation Day to you as well. 🙂

  5. Beautifully said, Michael. I remember when I was 15 and questioning going to church and asked my mother: “If God knows he’s great, and you know he’s great, why go to church to tell him he’s great?” (She wasn’t too happy that I was asking that, to say the least!)

    I show thanks to the Universe with whom I co-create my life by my actions: being the best Lisa I can be, giving AND receiving, opening my heart to those who need kindness and a million other ways. We are indeed spiritual beings in a human body BY choice. Lessons and gifts are everywhere, in every situation.

    Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving.

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.