You Are Utterly Alone

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     When we experience periods of upset, uncontrolled change, “bad luck”, sadness, or any of the many  other flavors of what we see as pain, it’s comforting to think that there are people who are ready and willing to help.  We look to friends and family, healers, and spiritual teachers to “make us feel better” by consoling us and making suggestions aroundman_alone what steps we might take to relieve the pain.  In many cases, this works quite well…in the short run.  But by and by, we find ourselves back in the same old place, wondering why we couldn’t put the advice to use; why the words of consolation don’t help now that the immediate calming effect has worn off.

     The fact is that no outside force can heal us.  A medical doctor can perform surgery or prescribe medications, but she cannot force the body to heal.  A spiritual teacher might show you how to meditate or suggest practices or concepts that have helped himself or others to heal, but he cannot do it for you and what’s more, can’t guarantee that it will help even if you do exactly as he says.

     An old worn-out proverb tells us that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish to eat.  This is one of the ultimate truths when it comes to spiritual advancement and emotional healing.  We’re here to learn and grow.  If there were a way to “be healed” by an outside force, rest assured that you’d see it on the evening news.  How many of these modalities have you tried…only to ultimately abandon it and move on to the next promising miracle cure.

     When we incarnated here, it was for a purpose.  We agreed that the experiences that we would create here were necessary in order for us to advance to the next level.  In the process of the Godhead experiencing itself in this dimension, all we little bits of God are expanding – each at his own pace and in her own way.  If there were an entity whose job it was to “heal” us, we would all be instantly healed – for what being of light would withhold such a gift?

     Yes, we are all One.  Yes, we feel compassion for our brothers and sisters and many of us will do nearly anything to ease our fellows’ pain and help them heal.  And yes, we have our Higher Selves and spirit guides, teachers and Masters.  But ultimately, it’s all up to each individual to raise himself up.

   The idea of our ultimate alone-ness seems bleak to some, but it need not be so.  Each of us has access to the same wisdom that’s available to all.  Each of us is a universe, complete and perfect in itself.  Once we enter the field of knowing that (even if it’s on an unconscious level) we begin to sense the power of healing that’s always there inside us; always available, always powerful, always directed where it’s needed most.

     In my role as a healer, I’ve been amazed by the vast variety presented when I look at the results of a Soul Realignment and clearing.  Some people see immediate shifts in their physical lives, almost magically being transformed from being emotionally-troubled doubters to joyful spiritual seekers.  Some struggle with the changes and resist the new opportunities because they don’t fit their preconceived notions of what would happen.  Some are enthusiastic at first, but sooner or later fall back into the same old familiar uncomfortable comfort zone, deciding that things are the way they are, and that’s it.  They give up.  All these various outcomes are the result of the exercise of free will and are a reflection of where the person is at that particular time.  The outcomes aren’t cast in stone…there’s always opportunity to take advantage of the flow of wisdom, when one is ready to open up and allow it in.

     What I offer to my “clients” ( a cold word indeed…to me they become like my children, my friends and my soul-companions)  is compassion and advice, yes.  But most importantly, by revealing the truth of who they really are at soul level and by helping them to clear the roadblocks, I offer an open door; a clear and illuminated path to wherever it is they want to go.  I don’t push them, and I can’t lead them.  I wish them well, hug them warmly and send them on their way alone – as it needs to be.  I even pack them a lunch to get them through the next few steps. 🙂   But I can’t go with them, because the path is single-file and meant only for them.

     So: let go of the healer’s hand.  Accept with joy what he or she has been able to teach you, and make him proud of you by bravely setting out on the path only you can take.  There ahead lies your destiny.

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  1. Thanks Kara. It’s true! Sometimes we just need a ilttle help in direction.

  2. What a great spin on a potentially bleak outlook! It is empowering too.

    It is inspiring to know that we each have the wisdom available to all.


  3. Let’s talk in a few months. I think you’ll feel a bit differently. Courage!

  4. Yes Michael, but sometimes you walk around as a human being needing reassurerance of the path you are taking. You said let go of your spiritual healers hand but I’m afraid of what lies ahead, and if, whether or not I will be able to stand the test of time. It is difficult to believe in myself,because I never want to do anything wrong that will jeopardize moving on to the next level and becoming whole.

  5. Thanks Anna. Thanks goodness for variety, eh? How boring would it be if we could predict evey outcome…

  6. Hi Michael,

    This is a great post. I love this:

    “Each of us is a universe, complete and perfect in itself.”

    I also have noticed the variation in the experiences clients have with me – with the actual reading information and with the clearing. Some clients have great sessions and then occasionally others can feel like the session was not so great. In the end, I think that it’s a co-creative process and we don’t have control over what our clients manifest.

  7. Thanks, Seema and Kavita. You made my day! 🙂

  8. So true, so well said..n so comforting to know..that maybe nothing is the end but a door to another realm in our life..n lives. And the key lies within. So explicitly explained..

  9. This is so beautifully explained…thanks for sharing.

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Michael Lee Pierich does not represent that he is licensed by any city, state, or country as a professional in the medical or mental health field.