Like Attracts Like – The Practicalities


One of the tenets of the Law of Attraction is that as our personal reality is created, that which is manifested will match whatever vibration we are “broadcasting” to the Universe.  Our thoughts can be regarded as a frequency, and our emotions multiply and amplify that frequency.  The stronger the emotion attached to a thought, the more effective it is at manifesting reality.  This is a wonderful thing, but at the same time dangerous because it’s true whether we are conscious of this phenomena or not!  This is why we have people walking around feeling sorry for themselves who constantly find more things to feel sorry about themselves for; the Universe “sees” that they wish to feel sorrow, and so without judging the wishes of that person, it provides what is asked for.  The Universe is not so foolish as to contradict the wishes of its Divne Creators (us)! 

Put another way, everything becomes more of what it already is.  Therefore, if there is an area of life we find unsatisfactory in some way, if we continue to simply find it unsatsfactory, nothing will change and in fact it will probably become more unsatisfactory.  But, being human, how can we by pure force of will broadcast the frequency of being satisfied with what is unsatisfactory, and at the same time instruct reality to bring us something different?  Quite the quandry.

But there is a way.

In a practical sense, we need to incite in ourselves the thoughts and emotions necessary to manifest our desired outcomes; not by forcing ourselves to do so artificially, but in small ways on a daily basis.

The first step is to distill the desired outcome down to a single word; Freedom.  Comfort.  Fulfillment.  Luxury. (A word of caution here: this cannot be distilled down too far…if your ultimate word is as general as Happiness or Joy, that won’t work because those feelings are a matter of free will and are independent of physical reality – we can choose to be joyous at any given time, and it’s not the job of the Universe to provide that.)

So, once you manage to really dig down and discover the essence of what it is you really want, the next task is to begin sending that frequency into the ether.  How that is done is entirely personal; what makes me feel Fulfilled may make you bored!  This is a point where being able to listen to your inner wisdom (intuition) comes in handy.  What can I do right now, today, to produce the feelings I want to project?  In the case of Fulfillment, It can be as small an action as making an excellent,  special meal; or doing an exceptional job at mowing the lawn.  Any action that authentically produces that vibration will work.  And it does need to be an action; after all,we are working in the physical world.  Whatever we choose to do needs to have an actual effect on our reality.

Furthermore, obviously it needs to be something new – whatever we have been doing has produced our current reality, therefore continuing to do those same actions will produce the same reality.  And needless to say, since all we do is hopefully geared toward spiritual advancement (even wanting to make more money, say), and knowing that there is no advancement or growth without effort, whatever we choose to do needs to be just a bit outside our comfort zone (and by the way, “comfort zone” doesn’t imply that it’s nice…just that that’s where we’re comfortable being, no matter how unpleasant it is).

All this does take effort, but not struggle.  Remember, any small act that will produce the desired thoughts/emotions in you, will attract the same.  It would probably be helpful to keep a small jounal…jot down what you do each day to produce the vibration you want expressed; and don’t forget to also note what shows up on its own to fulfill your goal, so that you can witness the fact that your efforts are paying off.  Success is entirely available and in your hands.  All you need to do is to bring it to you.


  1. healedspirit says

    Hi Mercedes,

    Sorry for the delay, I’ve been having a little fun (yep, even old people have fun sometimes) 🙂

    I’m not sure what you mean by “protection” at work, actually. If you mean freedom from stress or mean people…well, that’s tough to get. It’s our reaction to the bad stuff that usually counts more.

    You can’t do a whole lot for your siste – we each are pretty much responsible for ourselves, although you can give her boost with your intentions. As for leaving your job…well, that was of your own free will.

    But you’re exactly right about the prayers. You always get what you ask for…but you have to be really, really, really clear on what you’re asking for, and what you really want. And if you constantly want and want…you get more want. When i lsot my day job it was pretty wierd the way it happened, it was like they were being compelled to lay me off no matter what. Turns out I was extremely tired and just didn’t want to work like that any more. So I got what I wanted – no work.

    But, you can change what you want. that can be the hard part but it’s definitely worth it.

  2. Mercedes R-L says

    I was just thinking about how sometimes prayer brings the opposite result from what is expected, for instance, I prayed for my sister to have protection at work and for her to keep the job next thing you know she got fired. I also prayed for myself to have protection at work and the opposite happened I ended up leaving and things just did not work out as I expected it to. Maybe it’s the vibration that I am sending out into the universe that is causing this unsatisfactory result- I am praying for something but deep down inside my energy is sending something else into the universe.

  3. It’s only hard-knock if that’s what we expect. You’re right…everything we need is right in front of us! 🙂


  4. Mercedes R-L says

    I was just talking about that to my sister that we are creators although life here on earth is considered the hard-knock life we are not left here alone. We have the holy scriptures, we have other human beings, we have our minds, our emotions, and our spoken words to get us to our desired place in life. The only thing we have to do is tap into it to make things happen.

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